There are 4 track fasteners on each sleeper of the railway to fix the track on the sleeper. The current inspection method is to use human visual inspection at night. Under the lack of light and long-term monotonous work, the inspection efficiency is not good. Therefore, an automatic fault detection system of track fastener is in urgent need. In this study, high-speed cameras are used to make inspections fast, classified by the deep learning neural network model YOLOv4, to provide a judgment of the fault track fasteners similar to human's. After training with 7,300 images of resolution 416 × 416, the recognition results of the test set consisting 824 images, the mAP, recall, and accuracy reached 91.52%, 86%, and 84%, respectively. Under the server with CPU AMD 2700 and GPU 2080Ti, the recognition speed can reach 31.25 FPS. Four round-trips field verification in other regions from Dajia Station to Taichung Port Station were conducted. The system's recall rate was 88%, and more fault fasteners than ground truth were detected, confirmed the practicality of the system.
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