






郭韋良(Wei-Liang Kuo);李秋明(Chiu-Ming Lee);張芸翠(Yun-Tsui Chang);紀乃文(Nai-Wen Chi);黃伯凱(Bo-Kai Huang);楊懿(Yi Yang);謝尚賢(Shang-Hsien Hsieh)


建築資訊塑模 ; 物聯網 ; 數據分散服務 ; 延展實境 ; Building Information Modeling ; Internet of Things ; Data Distribution Service ; Extended Reality




33卷7期(2021 / 11 / 01)


575 - 584




隨著當代社會之物質需求擴張、都市人口集中發展、及建築技術進展,大型的現代都市建築(如大賣場、辦公大樓或體育館等)應運而生,然而災害發生時,身在其中的一般人員能否迅速找到逃生路線、救災人員能否即時獲取資訊而進行疏散和救難工作乃救命關鍵。又傳統的逃生指示系統能如何從靜態提供資訊,轉變成動態引導逃生,乃本研究之重點。因此,本研究發展一套動態視覺化逃生輔助系統,透過建築資訊塑模(Building Information Modeling,簡稱BIM)技術結合物聯網(Internet of Things,簡稱IoT)傳感技術,來達成室內定位與環境資料收集,再分析各位置的環境因子數據變化,作為逃生路徑演算的依據,進而將演算出的結果,再以延展實境技術(Extended Reality,簡稱XR)回饋呈現於使用者所使用的行動裝置上,藉以此視覺化輔助功能來協助避難逃生,減少災害發生時的傷亡。


As the material needs of modern society expand, urbanization continues and building technologies develop rapidly, large-scale modern urban buildings (e.g., mega retail store, office building, gymnasium) emerge. When a disaster occurs, how occupants in these buildings are able to find their evacuation path as soon as possible becomes a lifesaving matter. Therefore, how traditional evacuation systems could be changed from statically providing information to dynamically guiding evacuation paths is the focus of this study. This research has developed a dynamic and visual evacuation system by combining BIM (Building Information Modeling) and IoT (Internet of Things) information for indoor positioning and environmental data collection. Through the analysis of environmental data via sensors and identification of occupants' positions via mobile device, the proposed system calculates the suitable evacuation path and provides visual aids via Extended Reality (XR) technology on the occupants' mobile devices.

主题分类 工程學 > 土木與建築工程
工程學 > 水利工程
工程學 > 市政與環境工程
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