






鄭明淵(Min-Yuan Cheng);林禮威(Li-Wei Lin)


跨組織溝通管理 ; 企業流程再造 ; 單迴路學習 ; 雙迴路學習 ; Cross organization Communication ; Business Process Reengineering ; Single Loop Learning ; Double Loop Learning




34卷6期(2022 / 10 / 01)


513 - 528






This study developed a "General Contractor cross-organizational Communication Management Model" to assist GC to evaluate and reengineer the cross-organizational communications in the construction operations during the construction phase, so as to improve the overall construction operation performance. This model first adopted the four viewpoints of ARIS, namely organization, data, function and control, to construct a process communication model. Using "communication object/communication content/communication target relationship matrix", the communication operation mode is established. This study applies the single-loop and dual-loop learning of knowledge learning to identify the communication service and effectiveness gaps in the construction operation process, and then re-design a new communication plan accordingly. Finally, taking curtain wall construction as an example, the communication-based process reengineering is proposed to verify the feasibility of the model and as a reference for future research.

主题分类 工程學 > 土木與建築工程
工程學 > 水利工程
工程學 > 市政與環境工程
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