This research constructed an equivalent static design wind load model of torsional direction for rectangular high-rise buildings. Based on a large number of wind tunnel experimental data, torsional wind force coefficients and spectra are studied first, which served as the foundation for further proposing the torsional design wind load model. Factors with physical meaning were given to the important parameters used in this model to benefit improvement of the mathematical formulas of each parameter in the model by future researchers. Wind tunnel data was used to verify the accuracy of the wind force coefficient and spectra formulas proposed in this paper, and the results performed well. Furthermore, taking the building overturning moment as a criterion, the comparisons between the presented model and wind tunnel measurements over a large number of prototype high-rise buildings were conducted. In most cases, the errors of the building overturning moment estimated by the torsional equivalent static design wind load model are mostly within 15% or slightly conservative. In addition, the accuracy is better than Taiwan wind code.
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