






余文德(Wen-Der Yu);蕭文達(Wen-Ta Hsiao);張憲寬(Hsien-Kuan Chang);謝堉程(Yu-Cheng Xie)


營建安全 ; 電腦視覺 ; 三角立體視覺 ; 即時定位 ; construction safety ; computer vision ; triangulation ; RTLS




35卷7期(2023 / 11 / 01)


705 - 719




營建工地具有開放與動態性,充滿危害與風險,許多工地意外常發生於一瞬之間。因此,掌握勞工之即時定位資訊,是辨識危害情境,預防意外災害發生的重要手段。過去雖有即時定位系統(Real-time Locating System, RTLS)技術之研發與應用,然而不是因為成本過於昂貴就是精度不足,難以達到產業實務應用之目標。本研究旨在應用電腦視覺影像辨識與幾何距離推估技術,配合目前工地常見之攝影機,發展一種既能滿足勞安管理需求且又經濟實用之工地即時人員定位方法。經過驗證,本研究所提出之方法,以工地一般CCTV攝影機取像,在8 m之實驗場域測試時,其平均水平距離誤差為3.23 cm(2.58%)、垂直距離誤差為2.68 cm(0.42%);而在15 m範圍之工地實測結果,平均水平距離誤差為7.89 cm(9.09%)、垂直距離誤差為7.73 cm(0.65%)。若能提高攝影機之解析度,其監控範圍與精確度可再提高。本方法之精度優於大多數現有之RTLS技術水平,且幾乎不需增加成本,因此具有極高之產業實用性,值得營建產業推廣應用。


Construction sites are inherently hazardous due to their open, dynamic nature, and many accidents occur spontaneously. To mitigate these risks, it is essential to determine workers' real-time location, which aids in identifying hazards and preventing accidents on the site. Although real-time locating system (RTLS) technology has been developed, its widespread adoption has been hindered by its high cost or low accuracy, making it impractical. This research aims to develop an economical and practical real-time locating method for construction workers that meets construction safety management requirements. This method combines computer vision image recognition and geometric distance estimating technique with the common Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) cameras on construction sites. The proposed I-RTLM was tested in the laboratory and field within an 8 m and 15 m range, respectively. The results show that I-RTLM has a mean error (MAE) of 3.23 cm (MAPE = 2.58%) for X-coordinate, and 2.68 cm (MAPE = 0.42%) for Y-coordinate in the lab testing. In the field testing, it achieves an MAE of 7.89 cm (MAPE = 9.09%) for X-coordinate, and 7.73 cm (MAPE = 0.65%) for Y-coordinate, which is superior than most existing RTLS technologies. By increasing the camera's resolution, the monitoring range can be expanded and the locating accuracy can be further improved. Furthermore, this method has strong industrial applicability, requires almost no additional cost, and is worthy of practical construction applications.

主题分类 工程學 > 土木與建築工程
工程學 > 水利工程
工程學 > 市政與環境工程
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