






Wei-Ting Chien(簡維廷);Yuan-Hao Tsai(蔡沅澔);Shang-Hsien Hsieh(謝尚賢);Wei-Liang Kuo(郭韋良)


dynamic network analysis ; construction information management ; graph database ; construction conflicts ; 動態網絡分析 ; 營建資訊管理 ; 圖形資料庫 ; 工程衝突




35卷7期(2023 / 11 / 01)


721 - 729




Construction workflow management is crucial to the success of any construction project. Most construction projects usually face four conflicts that each contribute to construction delay: (1) activity-to-activity, (2) activity-to-labor, (3) activity-to-location, and (4) activity-to-resource. While extensive research addressing one or two of the above conflicts currently exists, only a few holistic methods or frameworks deal with all four conflicts. This research aims to apply Dynamic Network Analysis (DNA) to gain a deeper insight into how these four conflicts are formed and how they can influence a project. A case study for a cement preheater tower rebuilding project is presented with four different scenarios to assess and demonstrate the proposed method. By taking advantage of the multi-node and multi-link characteristics of DNA, multiple factors can be considered within the analysis. This is similar to planning construction workflow. From the results of the case study, several conflicts are identified and the influence level of each conflict is calculated for the manager to prioritize the adjustments made for solving them. By using the proposed method to eliminate all four of the detected conflicts, construction workflow can be improved.


一般來說,工程在執行過程中常會遇到四種衝突,包括工項在順序上的衝突、工項在工人數量與合適度需求上的衝突、工項在執行空間位置上的衝突、和工項在所需資源分配上的衝突等。文獻中考慮上述的一項或兩項衝突的研究已有不少,然而使用一個完整的方法或框架來同時偵測及處理四個常常在工程流程中出現的衝突則屬少見。因此,本研究希望運用動態網絡分析(Dynamic Network Analysis) 來探究衝突發生的緣由與影響整個專案的程度。此外,本研究以一個水泥預熱鋼構塔的重建工程作為測試案例,從此案例的資料中檢測出前述的四種衝突。

主题分类 工程學 > 土木與建築工程
工程學 > 水利工程
工程學 > 市政與環境工程
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