


The Discourse of Charles Baudelaire to Edgar Allan Poe-The Three Different Levels of Reading "the Murders in the Rue Morgue"


邱少頤(Shao-Yi Chiu)


波特萊爾 ; 愛倫坡 ; 浪漫 ; 象徵 ; 推理 ; Baudelaire ; Allan Poe ; Romanticism ; Symbolism ; inference




17期(2007 / 10 / 01)


163 - 189




波特萊爾(Charles Baudelaire)自言其獨鍾美國愛倫坡(Edgar Allan Poe)的作品,並將之翻譯、引介到法國文壇(他花上十七年歲月翻譯其作品,結果讓愛倫坡成了法國文壇的標竿),雖然愛倫坡在時空上,比處在法國巴黎的波特萊爾來得早與遠(波特萊爾28歲那年,愛倫坡就因酗酒而過世),但是,波特萊爾卻在愛倫坡的作品中看見自己作品模糊、尚未凝聚的構想,被完美的成形並呈現出來。 本文藉由波時萊爾悼念愛倫坡的文章中,企圖找出波特萊爾在愛倫坡身上所確認的理想價值,因爲在浪漫主義強調個人想像力,造成藝術家嚮禮個人所營造出的虛幻世界,而脫離現實且陷入個人的幻覺之中,而這個危險,所需要的是一們與現象界聯繫的基礎,乃是科學的、經驗下的理性,有意識的介入浪漫的想像中,使得作品中的世界,得以成爲藝術家情感與理性的融合。 波特萊爾指出愛倫坡的作品充滿奧秘,並月讀者也在被克服的困難、被解開的謎團和成功的較量中得到快樂,即使在浪漫情懷理構織出另一個世界,依然可以在象徵結構中,被理性的解讀出來。筆者認爲,能同時代表浪漫式的奧秘與解謎的理性,應該就是愛倫坡的推理小說,事實上,這也是推理小說史上的第一部作品《莫格街殺人事件》(The Murders in the Rue Morgue)。 這一部作品的重要特色,是他有著浪漫性的寫作風格,卻避免掉浪漫幻想的危機,透過象徵的設計,使得「虛」中有「真」,又覆蓋著「美」,筆者在本文中分別以「浪溫性」、「象徵結構」和「推理文學歷史」三個方向,來提供《莫格街殺人事件》的三種讀法,探究愛倫坡如何融合想像與邏輯,造成如波特萊所推宗,那使讀者被炫暈感牽著,不能不跟著作者進入他吸引人的推論之中的那股推理能量。


Charles Baudelaire spoke of his admiration for the work of the American writer Edgar Allan Poe. He had translated Poe's work and introduced it into French literature society. (He spent 17 years translating Poe's work, and the result led Poe to becoming a symbolic figure of the French literature society.) Although Poe was born much later than Baudelaire and farther from Baudelaire's birthplace Paris, France (When Baudelaire was 28 years old, Poe died of alcoholism.), he saw his own work, though the concept still was ambiguous and premature, emerging into a perfect form through Edgar Allan Poe's work. This essay, through the writings of Charles Baudelaire grieving over Edgar Allan Poe, attempts to reveal the ideas that Baudelaire found valuable in Poe's writing. However, romanticism emphasizes personal imagination, which leads artists to aspire to create their own illusional world, and that more often trap themselves into the illusion and devoicing themselves from reality. To avoid the danger, a bridge is needed to connect the real world and the illusional world. The bridge should be based on scientific and experiential rationality, which consciously intertwines the imagination of romanticism in order that the create world merges the artist's feeling and ration. Charles Baudelaire pointed out that Poe's work is full of mystery. His readers obtain joy through the obstacle solving, the riddle deciphering and the successful combats. Even though the fictional world was created under a romantic structure, it can still be understood through the symbolic structure. The author believes that Poe's detective fiction novels can simultaneously represent romanticized mystery and riddle-solving rationality. In fact, his work ”The Murders in the Rue Morgue” would be the first detective novel of the history of mystery literature. The important character of the book ”The Murders in the Rue Morgue” is the writing possessing a romantic style but without the danger of romantic illusion. Through the symbolic des ice it provides ”reality” in ”fiction”, and the ”reality” covers ”aesthetics”. In this essay, the author illustrates three dimensions: romanticism, symbolic structure and history of mystery literature, to provide three different levels of reading ”The Murders in the Rue Morgue”. It explores how Poe merges imagination and logic to create a dazzling inferential world that forcefully and irresistibly draw readers into it.

主题分类 人文學 > 藝術
  1. 朱璞瑄譯本。愛倫坡的詭異王國-愛倫坡驚悚短篇傑作選。台北:高寶出版社。