


Discussion on the Theme Extract and Music Score of Major Musical in the Tang Dynasty from on the Zither Score "Collection of Music Scores for Solo Zither"-Taking "Liang Zhou Ci," "Sword Dance and Dance of Ethnic Minorities," "Music for Return to the Palace," "Dragon Boat Rowing," and "Dance of Ethnic Minorities" for Example


張窈慈(Yao-Tzu Chang)


大曲 ; 涼州 ; 劍器渾脫 ; 還京樂 ; 泛龍舟 ; 蘇莫遮 ; major musical ; Liang Zhou Ci ; Sword Dance and Dance of Ethnic Minorities ; Music for Return to the Palace ; Dragon Boat Rowing ; Dance of Ethnic Minorities




20期(2010 / 12 / 01)


29 - 64






The poetry in the Tang Dynasty tended to be inseparable from music and many poems in the Tang Dynasty were written in order to sing them as songs. ”Collection of Music Scores for Solo Zither” collected 30 pieces of music scores for solo zither. However, only five of them conform to the study title. The subjects were the lyrics of ”Major Musical,” including the lyrics of ”Liang Zhou Ci,” ”Sword Dance and Dance of Ethnic Minorities,” ”Music for Return to the Palace,” ”Dragon Boat Rowing,” and ”Dance of Ethnic Minorities.” The lyrics of large-scale musical composition were investigated to explain the musical poems in ”Quantangshi,” ”A Poetry anthology of Yuefu,” or ”Collection of Dunhuang Lyrics” and five musical compositions transcribed by Yeh Tung to discuss the relationship between lyrics compiling and musical composition. The findings are as follows: 1) the skeleton of the succession of lyrics compiling could be understood according to the origin of the tune of five musical poems; 2) the use of the same tune and similar content in the musical poems of the same style could be found based on the connection between musical poems and tune; 3) the relationship between musical composition and musical poems could be investigated and the framework of musical composition for performing musical poems could be discussed from the perspective of analysis on the style of tune according to the transcription of Yeh Tung.

主题分类 人文學 > 藝術
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