


The Intercultural Compositions of Hwang-Long Pan and Nan-Chang Chien since 1980s


宋育任(Yu-Jen Sung)


潘皇龍 ; 錢南章 ; 跨文化音樂創作 ; 臺灣現代音樂 ; 臺灣作曲家 ; Hwang-long Pan ; Nan-chang Chien ; intercultural composition ; Taiwanese modern music ; Taiwanese composer




24期(2013 / 01 / 01)


37 - 75






In the contemporary Taiwanese art music the main stream is the intercultural compositions- namely the combination of Taiwanese, Chinese and Western culture elements. The compositions of two important contemporary Taiwanese composers, Hwang-long Pan (1945-) and Nan-chang Chien (1948-) are no exceptions of this stream. Each of their works expresses its own kind of cultural spirit-either native Taiwanese culture or traditional Chinese culture, or modern Western culture. The multi-cultural phenomenon of Pan's and Chien's works reflects the deep influence of these cultures and also the multi-cultural panorama of contemporary Taiwanese society.This paper intends to research the intercultural compositions of Pan and Chien in 1980s after they return from the overseas study in Germany. I try to analyze their musical styles, identify their cultural origin and also explicate the contents and cultural spirit they want to express. I attempt to summarize these in the following three themes: 1. the concern about native Taiwanese culture. 2. the expression of traditional Chinese spirit. 3. the exploration of Western modern music form. I hope to achieve a better understanding of Pan's and Chien's works by means of this research.

主题分类 人文學 > 藝術
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