


A Discussion on the Sound of "Mist and Cloud" in the Tune "Mist and Cloud over Xiao-Xiang Rivers", as Found in Da Huan Ge Qingpu




李美燕(Lee, Mei-Yen)


《大還閣琴譜》 ; 水雲聲 ; 徐谼 ; 《谿山琴況》 ; 〈瀟湘水雲〉 ; 古琴 ; Da Huan Ge Qinpu ; the sound of "mist and cloud" ; Hsu Hong ; His-Shan's Epithets on Qin Music ; Mist and Cloud over Xiao-Xiang Rivers ; Guqin




34期(2018 / 01 / 01)


1 - 28






Hsi-Shan's Epithets on Qin Music, written by Hsu Hong, is the most important work in the field of Guqin musical aesthetics. Another two books written by Hsu Hong, Wan-fong-Ge Zhi Fa Mi Jian (20 kinds of "fingering and gesture tablature of Chinese Guqin") and Da Huan Ge Qinpu are also important source materials for the representation of Hsu Hong's viewpoints on the appreciation of beauty in Guqin music. This research aims to examine the above works. In addition to Da Huan Ge Qinpu, the author investigates the significance of Wan-fong-Ge Zhi Fa Mi Jian and (20 kinds of "fingering and gesture tablature of Chinese Guqin"), also compiled by Hsu Hong. In particular, the author uses the sound of "mist and cloud" in the tune: "Mist and Cloud over Xiao-Xiang Rivers" as examples. The author considers some important factors for successfully achieving the above stated goals, including the method of fingering and gesture for playing the Guqin, and the tune and form of Guqin music. Finally, the author indicates how Hsu Hong put his viewpoints on the appreciation of beauty in the playing of Guqin music into effect, making up for the inadequate research on this topic by earlier scholars.

主题分类 人文學 > 藝術
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