


The Visual and Narrative of Memory / Recall in Animated Movie




李宏耕(Lee, Hung-Ken);李來春(Lee, Lai-Chung);李欣潔(Lee, Sin-Jie);賀天穎(Ho, Tien-Ying)


柏格森哲學 ; 記憶∕回憶 ; 記憶心理 ; 動畫電影 ; Bergson ; memory/recall ; psychology of memory ; animated movie




34期(2018 / 01 / 01)


105 - 147






Memory/Recall plays a major role in our lives. Because of the ability to remember things, we learn from past experiences and shape our way of understanding the world. Our memories not only record the past, but often reveal clues to solving mysteries. This study investigates the visual design and narrative method of memory/recall scenarios in animated movies. By studying and analyzing memory/recall sequences from four Oscar Award winning animated films (2012-2015), and reviewing the concepts and definitions of memory/recall from psychology and the philosophy of Bergson, we can conclude that four features should be considered when designing memory/recall sequences in animated films: (1) the manipulation of image quality and tone, (2) the linkage of sound, (3) the mediated object as the provider of major clues, and (4) memory as the key to the solution. Camera work and visual elements not only present the story, but reveal coding and marking functions of memory. Movies mimic the process of human memory/recall, and express it in the form of cinematic language and framing.

主题分类 人文學 > 藝術
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