Paul Claudel's masterpiece The Satin Slipper (Le Soulier de satin) is a huge work with multiple story lines, the meanings of which are not easy to understand. To avoid the pan-moral interpretations of this work, this article uses the actantial model of theatre semiotics to analyze the plot, which reveals that love and conquest are two sides of the will of all important characters. In other words, the two spheres of this saga-love and conquest-are nothing but an illusion; all dramatic actions actually happen in the heart of the protagonist Rodrigue. This result helps not only clarify the complex plot, but also confirms the position of Vitez's mise en scène; i.e. the conquest of the world is equal to the conquest of the beloved. As a consequence, the numerous roles of The Satin Slipper are actually the division or proliferation of the same character; all male characters can be regarded as reflections of the hero, while the female characters are reflections of the heroine. The relationship between the two sexes thereby reveals a consistent model. The prominent point of the National Chaillot Theatre production is that it did not perform the conquest as a way out of emotional frustration, but rather as a struggle between erotic desire and self-transcendence. That's why this scenic creation is "a representation of Self", through which Vitez perfectly fulfilled Claudel's paradoxical goal of self-confession and self-concealment.
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