


"Cloud Gate Dance Theater" in the 1970s-1980s and Taiwanese Modern Music - With Deh-Ho Lai's White Snake and Dream of the Red Chamber and Shui-long Ma's Liao Tien-Ding as Examples




宋育任(Sung, Yu-Jen)


林懷民 ; 馬水龍 ; 雲門舞集 ; 臺灣現代音樂 ; 賴德和 ; Hwai-Min Lin ; Shui-long Ma ; Cloud Gate Dance Theater ; Taiwanese Modern Music ; Deh-Ho Lai




36期(2019 / 01 / 01)


79 - 131






This paper studies Taiwanese modern music used by "Cloud Gate Dance Theater" from 1973 to 1985. Founded in 1973, "Cloud Gate" has as its guideline the following: "Chinese composing, Chinese choreographing, Chinese dancing for Chinese people". Therefore, in the first 12 years of "Cloud Gate" its dance music is mainly based on modern music composed by Taiwanese serious music composers. Most of the compositions for "Cloud Gate" became the classical works of their time. In the 1970s and 1980s, "Cloud Gate" gave birth to many Taiwanese modern music, or gave them important performance opportunities. Therefore, "Cloud Gate" has greatly helped Taiwanese modern music flourishing in those years; and these ingenious music works have also been an important factor in the success of "Cloud Gate". The domestic and overseas success of "Cloud Gate" is also an answer to the following question of oriental artists: How can we combine the oriental tradition with western modernity, and how we create new interactions between them? "Cloud Gate" has successfully realized the goal of combining the oriental (Taiwanese and Chinese) tradition with western modernity in the dance. The successful integration of oriental tradition and western modernity is also the characteristic of Taiwanese modern music used by "Cloud Gate", so that its musical style is consistent with its dance style. In order to study thoroughly Taiwanese modern music used by "Cloud Gate" from 1973 to 1985, this paper will try to clarify the following issues: 1. What is the relationship between the early period of "Cloud Gate" (1973-1985) and Taiwanese modern music, and what is the history and background of their cooperation? 2. What are the styles and the forms of Taiwanese modern music used by "Cloud Gate"? 3. Does Taiwanese modern music used in the early "Cloud Gate" correspond to the latter's evolution of the style in different periods? 4. Are there any common elements in Taiwanese modern music used by "Cloud Gate"? This paper takes the representative dance music of the three different periods of the early "Cloud Gate" as examples for musical analysis: Deh-Ho Lai's White Snake, Shui-Long Ma's Liao Tien-Ding and Deh-Ho Lai's Dream of the Red Chamber. Since music plays a very important role in the art of "Cloud Gate", once the abovementioned questions have been discussed, we will have a better understanding not only of these "Cloud Gate" dances cooperated with the Taiwanese composers, but also of the history and development of Taiwanese modern music.

主题分类 人文學 > 藝術
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