


Using a theatrical approach to promote civic participation: A case study of the "Old Fairy Tales" by Over Diamond Art Studio




謝華容(Hsieh, Hua-Jung)


參與式劇場 ; 實境實驗劇場 ; 公民參與 ; 對話 ; 關係 ; Participatory Theatre ; Immersive Experimental Theatre ; civic participation ; conversation ; relationship




37期(2019 / 07 / 01)


83 - 113






This article uses a case study approach to discuss the Immersive Experimental Theatre of "Old Fairy Tales" produced by the Over Diamond Art Studio. "Old Fairy Tales" by the Over Diamond Art Studio is an example of Participatory Theatre, in which the audience members not only play a role in the performance, but also involves actively in the process of thought and action. The research study focuses on audience's role Immersive Experimental Theatre. The research focus here is on Immersive Experimental Theatre, which emphasizes the current audience's role, and hopes to illustrate two research interest: first, how is audience participation facilitated through a step-by-step structure in the process of performance? Second, what are the myriad of dialogical perspectives for the audience? Over Diamond Art Studio contextualizes the audience as the subject in their performance structure. First, a field is delineated where people live together; then, through the relationships among people thus constructed, interactions and dialogues are generated, and people start learning to listen and understand each other in such relationships. Gradually, the audience-participants get to recognize the problems of the elderly in society. Such recognition is made possible by the emotional relationships that develop through the journey of audience participation: like a ladder, the theatrical journey guides the audience, first engaging them , and then encouraging and trusting them to participate, while at all times giving the audience the right to participate. Here the form of traditional theater bridge towards participatory theater. The theatrical experience is further enriched through the triple dialogic perspective thus formulated: a dialogue between the audience and the story, another between members of the audience, and the internal dialogue of the audience. The audience's experience oscillates back and forth between an emotional? perspective and a rational perspective . This participatory theatre not only promotes a closer connection between the audience and the issue addressed, but also provides an innovative model for civic participation and civic education.

主题分类 人文學 > 藝術
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