How to talk about Tsai Ming-Liang's image creation has long been a problem difficult to tackle. Whether "slow films" is the best interpretation, and whether the Deleuze's concept of "image" used to elaborate its time quality can approximate the core is questioned in this paper. Since with it as the target, the fixed selection of Li Kang-Sheng's 30-year creative habit or the special symbiotic relationship between the author and the actor is neglected. This paper extends the research scope to include not only the completed works but also the circumstances of their creation. Through the symbiotic phenomenon of "law" and "das Ding", the forces hindering the emergence of images are examined. In order to explore the flow between Li Kang-Sheng's body and Tsai Ming-Liang's image, this paper adopts Lacan's observational perspectives of the ego and the other, using the "double-cone icon" to analyse? the phenomenon of subjective rheology it exemplifies. Finally, it was discovered that when Tsai Ming-Liang attempted to peek into the das Ding image through "the other", the subject experienced the moment of being engulfed and vanishing. It was not a smooth, continuous state but a state of enormous resistance and suffering.
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