


The Imaginary "West": Reprinting and Translation of Western Scripts in the 1960-1970s




羅揚(Lo, Yang)


李曼瑰 ; 淡江西洋現代戲劇譯叢 ; 復興崗翻譯叢書 ; 臺灣現代戲劇 ; 顏元叔 ; Li Man-kuei ; Tamkang Western Modern Drama Translation Series ; Fuxinggang Translation Series ; Taiwanese Modern Drama ; Yen Yuan-shu




41期(2021 / 07 / 01)


107 - 152






This study focuses on the "Fuxinggang Translation Series" from the 1960s and the "Tamkang Western Modern Drama Translation Series" from the 1970s in Taiwan. Both series were reprinting/translation projects organised by universities and colleges, and are unique in the history of Taiwanese drama translation. They not only represent a little known? episode in the history of translation, but also reflect the changes and growth of Taiwanese drama. They filled a void in Taiwanese knowledge and study of Western drama at that time. When we probe into the development of drama in this period, we can see that although these translations of Western scripts failed to resonate in commercial theater performances, they silently influenced countless young students in campus theaters and classrooms. In addition, only through the translation of Western scripts could playwrights discover works they could imitate and learn from. Once playwrights had accumulated enough experience, of such works, they could develop their own, Taiwanese forms of modern drama. Therefore, these translation series not only explain how translations can inspire new kinds of creativity, but also reflect the intersection of Western drama and the development of Taiwanese drama. This study involves a fresh investigation these two translation series from the perspective of drama history, seeking to understand the reasons for their development and their possible impact, while making allowances for their deficiencies and limitations. They expanded the horizons of drama enthusiasts at that time - although the works were selected and limited - and allowed Taiwan to gradually grow and thrive under the influence and impact of modern dramatic ideas . The significance of these two translation series is not limited to the forcible input of drama at the time. They were also the foundation and cornerstone of the subsequent development of Taiwanese drama.

主题分类 人文學 > 藝術
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