


Copy is Original: About Kazuo Ohno and Notations




劉亮延(Liu, Liang-Yen)


抄襲 ; 舞踏 ; 歌舞伎 ; 女形 ; 川口隆夫 ; Copy ; Butoh ; Kabuki ; Onnagata ; Takao Kawaguchi




43期(2022 / 07 / 01)


31 - 84






This essay takes About Kazuo Ohno, a one man show project by Takao Kawaguchi in 2013 as the main focus, and presents a study of Japanese Kabuki via the reading and translation of Hijikata Tashumi, a postwar avant-garde artist. It cites "A Copy is Original" from Takao Kawaguchi's statement of About Kazuo Ohno, explains the tradition of copying and reduplicating in kabuki iconology, and analyses the relationship between Onnagata and its images in the context of kabuki role-playing. This essay draws out the radical thinking of About Kazuo Ohno, and emphasizes the presentation of the reflexive subject. It explains the theatrical notation techniques for illusion, reminiscence and imaging, as well as the subject appearing at the very moment of penetration and menstruation, by transforming and deforming itself.

主题分类 人文學 > 藝術
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