


Probe into the Cause of Luck in the "I Ching"






《易經》 ; 吉凶 ; 守中 ; 卦 ; 爻 ; 貞 ; I Cling ; Good and Bad Luck ; Perserving the Mean ; Gua ; Yao ; Zhen




25卷8期(1998 / 08 / 01)


737 - 749




《易經》吉凶形成取決於三個方面的原因: (一)客觀形勢。不同的客觀形勢造成人們相異的命運,客觀形勢好,處境有利,反之,禍患及身。客觀形勢有總體與階段之別。一般說,同一總體形勢下,人們各階段的遭遇大體相似,但階段形勢與總體形勢並非同出一範,兩者存在程度的差異,甚至個別階段形勢相反於總體形勢,因而,吉凶境遇呈現出紛繁複雜的情況。同時,接近或遠離某種客觀形勢所引起的吉凶程度的變化,也增加了這種複雜性。 (二)主觀因素。品德的善惡,行為的正邪,處事方法的良莠,直接導致個人際遇的殊異。善良的品德,正當的行為,適宜的理事手段,往往令人福星高照,吉利無比。反之,為惡、行邪、使偏,則被迫飲下自釀的苦酒。 (三)客觀形勢和主觀因素的結合。主觀服從和符合客觀,充分利用預見、選擇、敬畏、求中等方法,正確有效地發揮主觀作用,或者獲得逢凶化吉的主動權,有可能改變或改善自身的處境;或者錦上添花,令前程更加光輝燦爛。否則,或者在有利的條件下自取其咎,或者在窘迫的泥淖中越陷越深。


Luck, both good and bad, has three causes in the book of changes: A. Objective circumstance. Different objective circumstances dictate different fates. A good objective circumstance leads to favorable conditions; bad ones lead to bad conditions. Objective circumstances are divided into whole and parts. Generally speaking, in objective circumstances, people tend to meet a similar fate to the whole. This is not to say that the parts are the sum of the whole. A difference in a part can lead to an opposite situation from the Situation in general. Subsequently, good or bad luck becomes quite a complicated matter. Matters are further complicated with fluctuations from the objective circumstance in general. B. Subjective factors. The goodness or evilness of a person's character, good or bad behavior, right or wrong methods of doing things, all lead directly to a person's fate. An upright character, moral behavior and a righteous way of doing things, can givea person incredibly good luck. An evil character, depraved behavior and a skewed way of doing things bring on quite the contrary. C. A combination of objective circumstances and subjective factors. The subjective is subservient to the objective. The subjective aids in apt prediction and choice. The subjective helps maintain proper respect with regard to the pursuit of the mean. If objective circumstances are less than optimal, the subject must do its utmost to change them through personal cultivation. If objective circumstances are optimal, the subject must do its utmost to take advantage of that. In either case, if proper measures aren't taken, luck deteriorates.

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