


On the Relationship between Happiness and Virtue in Nicomachean Ethics




張勻翔(Yun-Hsiang Chang)


幸福 ; 德行 ; 終極目的 ; 功能論 ; 辯證的分析 ; 合乎德行的倫理生活 ; 靜觀 ; 外在善 ; Happiness ; Virtue ; The Final Aim ; The Function Argument ; Dialectic Analysis ; Moral Life ; Contemplation ; External Good




30卷8期(2003 / 08 / 01)


39 - 58




亞里斯多德《尼各馬科倫理學》(Nicomachean Ethics)在當今德行倫理學(Virtue Ethics)的討論中時常被提及,其重要性不言而喻。麥金太爾(MacIntyre)認為亞氏倫理學為目的論倫理學(teleological ethics),《尼各馬科倫理學》指出「幸福」(eudaimonia/happiness)為人生的最終目的與最高善,並告訴世人獲致幸福的途徑,麥金太爾認為目的概念的提出使得道德禁令與未教化的人性二組概念得以連繫。為此,本文目的在嘗試處理二項議題:一、釐清亞氏「幸福」的涵義;二、解釋幸福與德行的關係,說明個人如何藉由德行的實踐促成幸福活動的實現與完成。


In the current discussions about virtue ethics, Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics is often mentioned, and its importance is ineffable. MacIntyre believes that Aristotle's ethics is teleological ethics, as it's pointed out in Nicomachean Ethics that happiness is the final aim and supreme good of life and the pathways to happiness are also told in the book. For MacIntyre, the proposition of the concept of ”aim” connects the concept of moral prohibition with the concept of uncivilized human nature. Consequently, this article is to address two topics: first, clarifying the meaning of Aristotle's ”happiness”; second, explaining the connection between happiness and virtue as well as illustrating how one realizes and fulfills the activities of happiness through the practice of virtue.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
  1. NE. Ⅰ. 9, 1099b28- 31.
  2. NE.Ⅰ.7, 1097b15-23.
  3. NE.VI.l , 1139al- 10.
  4. NE. X. 8, 1177b29- 1178a9.
  5. NE. L8, l099a35- 1099b8.
  6. NE.Ⅵ.8,1141b39-42.
  7. NE. V. 2, 1130b24- 28.
  8. (1987).Pol. Ⅰ.2, 1253a3- 4.
  9. NE. V.I , 1129b35-37.
  10. NE. X.7, 1177b29- 1178a9.
  11. NE.Ⅰ.1 , 1094al- 3.
  12. NE. VI , 1130a10- 13.
  13. Pol.Ⅰ. 2,1253a3-5.
  14. Pol.Ⅰ.1,1252a1.
  15. NE. Ⅴ. 1,1129b18- 25.
  16. NE. VIII. I, 1155all-15.
  17. NE.Ⅰ.2, 1094a22-26.
  18. NE. Ⅰ.9, 1099b9- 26.
  19. NE. V. 1, 1129b13- 17.
  20. NE. VllI. 2, 1l55b32-33.
  21. NE. V.I, 1129a21-23.
  22. NE. Ⅷ. l, 1155a7-8.
  23. NE.Ⅰ.7, 1097b26- 1098a25.
  24. Pol.Ⅰ.2,1153a8-9.
  25. NE. Ⅰ.8, 1099a12- 19.
  26. DA . Ⅱ.2- 3, 413a11- 415a14.
  27. NE. Ⅰ.13, 1102a7- 8.
  28. NE. Ⅰ. 10, 1l00bll – 13.
  29. HA. I.l, 488a8- 10.
  30. NE. V. 2, 1130b28- 34.
  31. NE. X. 8, 1178al0- 11.
  32. NE. VIII. 2 , 1155b36-39.
  33. NE. VIII. I , ll55a1-3.
  34. NE.Ⅵ.8,1141b29-30.
  35. HA. Ⅰ. 1, 487b33- 488a2.
  36. NE. I. l, 1094a9-11.
  37. NE. IX. 9, 1169bl0- 12.
  38. Pol. Ⅲ. 12, 1282b14- 16.
  39. Pol.Ⅰ.2,1153a10-18.
  40. NE. X.7, 1177bl-19.
  41. NE. V.I, 1129a5- 7.
  42. NE. X.7, 1177a23-29.
  43. NE.V.I , 1129b30- 34.
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