


Gu Xian-Cheng and Gao Pan-Long's Doctrine of Mind-Nature and Their Ideas about Education




曾春海(Chun-Hai Tseng)


心 ; 性 ; 理學 ; 心學 ; 王學末流 ; 禪學 ; 東林書院 ; 經世實學 ; 清議 ; 氣節 ; Mind ; Nature ; Doctrine of Li ; Doctrine of Mind ; Zenism ; Dong Ling Academy ; Practical Science ; Talks ; Integrity




30卷10期(2003 / 10 / 01)


141 - 166




本文擬由三項子題來論述: (一) 顧高兩人如何面對陽明後學「無善無惡心之體」、「良知現成」所衍生的誤解、流弊予以駁斥,且從批判中重構其心性理論。 (二) 東林學派的講學宗旨及治學內容。他們企圖以「實」救正彼時學術思想的空疏之弊。他們認為「天下不患政事,患無學術。學術者,天下之大本。」他們針對彼時鄉愿的無氣節廉恥及缺乏是非善惡觀念,提倡以講學正學術來救正彼時學術與人心之不正。東林學派的人文教育特別講究氣節。在講學宗旨上,他們繼承朱熹《白鹿洞學規》,詳定《東林會約》也吸收和發展王陽明學派的講學方式。本文將論述《東林會約》的旨要與精神,以及該學派講學之內容與方式,以展現其特色和意義。 (三) 東林學派的講學以關注政治之良窳為焦點,所謂「志在世道」。他們以清議的方式對為政不廉正的朝臣收到一定程度的思忌效果。東林書院不但是當時的學術、教育中心,也是政治輿論中心。黃宗羲評為「一堂師友,冷鋒熱血,洗滌乾坤。」本文也將論述這一清議活動乃所招致的東林之禍,探討其間知識份子與社會互動的涵義。


This paper is intended to progress along the following three subheads: 1. How did Gu Xian-Cheng and Gao Pan-Long deal with the misunderstandings and maladies caused by the Yang-Ming School and re-construct the doctrine of mind-nature in their criticism? 2. Regarding the goals and content of Dong Lin School's lectures, they tried to correct the ”emptiness” of the current academics with something ”substantial.” They believed that ”the problem with the world is the lack not of politics but of academics, which is the substance of the world.” In response to the lack of integrity and moral sense, Dong Lin School proposed to correct the academic styles and the follies of people's minds through their lectures. The humanistic education of Dong Lin School specially valued integrity. About the goals of their lectures, they followed Ju Xi's Disciplines of Bai Lu Cave and specified that Disciplines of Dong Lin School also absorbed and developed the way in which Yang Ming School made their lectures. In this paper, we will state the aims and spirits of Disciplines of Dong Lin School as well as the content and methods of their lectures in order to show their characteristics and meanings. 3. The focus of Dong Lin School's lectures was the merits and demerits of the politics. The ways they discussed the politics made the obliquitous officials scrupulous to a certain extent. Dong Lin School was the center of the academics, education, and also the politics and public opinions. In this paper we will discuss the implications of the interaction between the intellectuals and the society from the perspective of the liquidation as the result of these talks.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
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