The Book of Gao Zi: the Life and Acts of Gao Jing-yi said, “after the reigns of Long-qing and Won-li, Gu Jing-yang began to give lectures in the south-east of his hometown to advocate the right academic thoughts and encourage people who follow the right ways. So many intellectuals went for his lectures that they became almost as prominent as the lectures made in the other two private academies, Bai Lu Dong and Zi Yang. Gao was the successor and aggregator of Gu’s doctrine as well as preserved the essence of Dong Ling school. Huang Zong-xi said, “Gu was the initiator of the Dong-ling school while Gao was the one that made detailed studies.” The Biography of Gao Pan-long, the History of the Ming Dynasty also said, “at that time, all the Confucians were followers of the Dong Ling school. Domestic and overseas intellectuals claimed that Gao and Gu were analogous. All these praises demonstrated Gao’s status and his influence on the academic thoughts late in the Ming Dynasty. Gao’s doctrine emphasized on practical application and saving the way of the world to reveal the problems with the Yiao-jiang school, saying “it’s abandoning what one sees and hear while focusing on unrealistic contemplation.” His criticisms about Wang’s doctrine included: “It didn’t’ aim on the observation of objects;” “it’s a statement about nothingness rather than good and evil;” “its heart ontology had no concepts about good and evil.” Gao himself advocated the concept about the restoration of nature. Yet the restoration of nature could only be achieved through studying objects; the study of objects and academic learning were the practical ways—reflection on oneself, being respectful, developing virtues, and cultivation --to show the good and the nature. “In cultivation we could see nature, while through nature we could cultivate ourselves.” Instead of being vainly philosophical, Gao’s doctrine preached about practice and the equal importance of ontology and utility, cultivation and understanding, while cultivation was practice and understanding was “seeing the right way.” He further put such a doctrine into practice and set things right. Gao’s martyrdom was exactly the manifestation of his integrity and the way to establish his doctrine and achieve his virtues. This paper is explore three aspects of his thought: first, the mind-nature theory that emphasized on equal importance of ontology and utility, cultivation and understanding; second, studying objects to exact the laws of nature along with cultivating to improve knowledge; and third, the equal importance of ontology and utility, cultivation and understanding. We wish all these explorations could show the rich content and powerful influence of his thought.