


Archbishop Lo Kuang's Ideas and Spiritual Exercise about the Wisdom of Life




周景勳(King-Fun Chau)


生命哲學 ; 士林哲學 ; 中國哲學 ; 信仰 ; 文化 ; 生命 ; 融貫 ; 融會 ; 靈修 ; 生命超越 ; 純而明 ; 明而神 ; 神而通 ; Philosophy of Life ; Scholasticism ; Chinese ; Philosophy ; Faith ; Culture ; Life ; Coherence ; Understanding ; Spiritual Exercise ; Transcendence of Life




32卷2期(2005 / 02 / 01)


39 - 70




整篇文章乃以描繪、介紹和反思的方式,將羅光總主教的生命智慧的理念和靈修揭示出來。我們可從他的學習、研究、修養、信仰、服務中看到羅總主教的不屈不撓的精神,希望將士林哲學與中國哲學作融會的研究,創新一個中西互通互動的思域,發展了他的「生命哲學」。我們可從他的思想言談中獲知他哲思的理念和靈修生活是不能分離的生命,更願意將信仰與生命融貫在中西文化的精髓中,發展出「天人合一」、「道通為一」和「圓融一體」的「生命超越」,如所所說:「我的精神生命,趨向無限的絕對真美善,又與基督的神性生命相合為一;我的精神生命乃在本體上超越宇宙萬物的自然界物體,攝昇到神性的本體。我精神生命的活動也日漸超越宇宙萬物,雖同萬物活在宇宙中,我精神生命的活動在目的和本質上,卻屬於超宇宙的神性生活,且與絕對真美善的造物主相接。在中國的生命哲學中,儒佛道都趨求生命的超越,儒家以 『天人合一』,道道家以『與道冥合』,佛教以『涅槃』為目的,都追求人的生命超越宇宙,達到與絕對體相合的境界。」(《生命哲學》,頁301)因此,整篇文章的主題都以羅總主教的理念和心順作引子而加以反思的︰ 一、我永遠長歌兮,歌頌主仁慈 二、我有意融會中國傳統儒家哲學和士林哲學 三、我用系統的方法寫中國哲學的精神 四、我究竟是位主教有責任指導神修生活


This paper is to reveal Archbishop Lo Kuang's ideas and spiritual exercise about the wisdom of life through description, introduction, and reflection. We can see Archbishop Lo's perseverance from his learning, research, cultivation, faith, and service. Wishing to completely understand both scholasticism and Chinese philosophy, Archbishop Lo created a philosophical field where Chinese and Western philosophies can interact with each other and whereby developed his ”metaphysical philosophy of life.” We can find from the renditions of his thoughts that the ideas of his philosophical thinking are inseparable from his spiritual exercise and that he was more than willing to cohere his faith and life with the essence of Chinese and Western culture and develop the ”unity of heaven and man”, the ”harmony of dao”, and the ”harmonious” ”transcendence of life.” He once said: ”My spiritual life is oriented toward the infinite and absolute good, beauty, and truth and also united with the divine life of Christ. My spiritual life transcends ontologically all things in the universe and reaches the entity of divinity. The activities of my spiritual life are gradually transcending all things. While living with all things in the universe, the activities of my spiritual life, in terms of purposes and essence, are part of the divine life that's beyond the universe. They are also connected to the creator of the absolute good, beauty, and truth. In Chinese philosophy of life, all Confucianism, Buddhism and Daoism have the transcendence of life as their goal. While Confucianism is after the ”unity of heaven and man”, Daoism is about the ”implicit connection with Dao”, and Buddhism aims at ”nirvana”, they are all in search of a life that transcends the universe and reaches the unity with the absolute” (301 Metaphysical Philosophy of Life). Accordingly, the whole article is a development of and reflection on Archbishop’s ideas and wishes: 1.I will always sing for the kindness of God. 2.Iwantto understand completely both traditional Chinese Confucianism and scholasticism. 3.I write about the spirits of Chinese philosophy systematically. 4.After all, I am an archbishop and therefore have the duty to be a spiritual director.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合