


Philosophy and Justice: On Levinas's Ideas of Human Peace




歐陽謙(Qian Ouyang)


總體 ; 無限 ; 自我 ; 他者 ; 面孔 ; 責任 ; 正義 ; 和平 ; Totality ; Infinity ; Ego ; Other ; Face ; Responsibility ; Justice Peace




35卷5期(2008 / 05 / 01)


41 - 59






As a famous contemporary French philosopher, E. Levinas had tried to explore the human miseries and particularly the Holocaust in 20(superscript th) century through the philosophical thinking. The philosopher should appeal for justice and peace, for him, only it is truly the undertaking of philosophy. He thought that the traditional western philosophies had been held fast to an logic of violence of egology and totality. Since Socrate, the question of the western philosophies was not forgeting the Being, but leaving out the Other, thus this philosophy became the egology, and the digestive philosophy. According to his judgment, the western philosophy repressed throughout the Other. We should confirm the ethics of Other by the idea of infinity, this ethics is the spiritual optics, it could shine the misery world which it is shrouded in violent conflicts. The face of the Other call the ethical subject, call the responsibility and justice. E. Levinas pointed out that mankind peace would depend on ego's transcendence and proximity to the Other.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
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