


Re-thinking the Studies of Aesthetic Theories and the Practise of Chinese Art in the West




幽蘭(Yolaine Escande)


美學理論 ; 藝術實踐 ; 西方與東方 ; 中國書法與繪畫 ; 翻譯美學詞彙 ; aesthetic theories ; artistic practice ; East and West ; Chinese calligraphy and painting ; translation of aesthetic categories




35卷7期(2008 / 07 / 01)


5 - 16




「非西方思想」與「另類」思考方式,雖然已在「文化研究」範圍內日受重視,且已展開構思與應用,然而在西方漢學範疇內,尤其是在美學領域,還是以西方的思維模式作為思考與研究的準則。更嚴重的是,西方漢學借用的思想與理論標準基礎在於十九世紀以來沿用至今、變化不大的系統;這點與西方其他思維領域不同。 首先以西方漢學家而言,例如余蓮便直率地承認他對中國思想本身並不感興趣,主要是為了借用來重新思考西方哲學,尤其是希臘哲學。就像不少中國或中華文化的當代知識分子,他們直接借用西方思想系統來提交討論中國傳統哲學。他們的貢獻也很大。其次,就藝術史家而言,尤其是美國的藝術史家,他們通常以自己西方的標準來評論與自己傳統無關的中國作品;他們甚至否認這些作品自己的品評標準傳統。為避免重蹈前二者的覆轍,本文作者將根據自己多年研究的經驗來探討這些與「哲學的反思」有關的美學研究的方法學問題。作者研究中國書畫藝術理論多年,也一直從事書畫藝術的創作活動,在其研究過程中,雖然也曾受到之前的藝術與美學研究影響,但是注意到之前研究理論的缺陷,因此一直嘗試以不同的角度建立起與這些研究有所區別的研究方法,因此本文作者將談論其所研究題目和內容,並解釋所選擇的研究方法。包括如何能夠重新思考在西方的中國美學研究;研究範疇與遇到的問題;以及怎麼解決這些問題與所建立的方法。


Although in the field of cultural studies, thinking from elsewhere or non-Western conceptions are taken in consideration, in Western sinology, and especially in the domain of aesthetics, the main thought referred to still generally remains the one of the West. Even more seriously, this theoretical thought referred to in aesthetic sinology is nevertheless deeply rooted on representations that have been established during the Nineteenth Century and that didn't evolve much since then, by contrast with other fields of thought in the West. This paper questions the methodological choices I personally had to deal with to ”translate” Chinese aesthetics in French, particularly in calligraphy and painting, and the way I tried to differentiate from this dominant thought in Chinese aesthetic sinology. The paper also matters with the consequences concerning its comprehension and its explanation. It is more specifically relevant to the question of two seemingly contradictions, if seen from Western aesthetics theory. One is about studying an art's theory while practicing it at the same time. The other is about talking from the practicing point of view and though to resort to other methods than the ones established by the Western theoretical tradition, although writing in French and using also Western analysis tools. All this can seem to be non scientific. This paper tries to explain how these contradictions may be solved and may help establish a research method which aim is innovative and respects the studied object.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
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