


The Humanistic Concerns in the Confucian, Buddhist and Taoist "Classics"




陳立驤(Li-Shiang Chen)


儒 ; 道 ; 釋 ; 經典 ; 經典教育 ; 人文關懷 ; 生命關懷 ; Confucianism ; Taoism ; Buddhism ; Education of Classics ; Humanistic Concerns ; Concern for Life




35卷9期(2008 / 09 / 01)


87 - 106




本文旨在對儒、道、釋「經典」中的「人文關懷」,作一析論,以作為華人社會推行教育與通識教育的參考。我們希冀藉此,以使讀者:一、了解「經典」的各種意義,以及本文所說「經典」的意義;二、知曉本文所說「人文關懷」一詞的真實義涵;三、契入並體悟儒、道、釋「經典」中所蘊含的「人文關懷」;四、明白「經典教育」的價值與效用,以利「經典教育」的推行。 全文共分成六小節進行:第一小節為「前言」。旨在交代本文的主旨、目的與行文次第;第二小節為「『經典』之諸義及本文所說『經典』之義」。旨在指出並釐清「經典」的四大意義,以及說明本文所謂「經典」的意義;第三小節為「『經典教育』之價值、效用與相關問題回應」。旨在說明「經典教育」的價值與效用,並逐一回應了對「經典教育」所質疑的幾個問題;第四小節為「『人文關懷』釋義」。旨在說明本文所謂的「人文關懷」一詞的意義,以及「人文關懷」與「生命關懷」之關係-兩者「異名而同指」,並指出「人文關懷」(生命關懷)具有「個體關懷」、「社會關懷」與「自然關懷」等三個面向;第五小節為「儒、道、釋『經典』中的『人文關懷』」。旨在點出儒、道、釋「經典」中的四大「人文關懷」,並逐一對它們作一論述;第六小節為「結論」,旨在綜覽全文,並作出總結,以簡要呈現本文的論點。 本文的結論主要是:雖然儒、道、釋「經典」對現實人生的看法與態度不同,但它們關懷生命與安身立命的用心與目的則是相同的。它們都看重生命的價值與安頓,都強調透過心性修養與工夫實踐來安頓生命,都相信生命具有自我管理的能力,也都強調生命對己與對外的感通與和諧。由於它們具有這樣的「人文關懷」(生命關懷),可以安頓個人、社會與世界,可以促進人自身,以及人與社會及自然的和諧,因此,在教育與通識教育中提倡「經典教育」,不只在「義」上是應該必要的,同時在「利」上也是具有巨大之功效的。


This article is to analyze the humanistic concerns in Confucian, Buddhist and Taoist ”classics” as something for the Chinese community to refer to when they promote education and general education. In this way, we wish to make the readers to, first, understand the multiple meanings of ”classics” and the meaning described here, second, understand the true meaning of ”humanistic concerns” discussed in this article, third, realize the ”humanistic concerns” contained in Confucian, Buddhist and Taoist ”classics,” and fourth, understand the value and effect of the ”education of classics” so as to help promoting it. This paper is divided into six sections: the first section is the foreword; the second section is the multiple meanings of ”classics” and the meaning described here; the third section is the value and effect of the ”education of classics” along with the responses to the related questions; the fourth section is the elucidation of ”humanistic concerns”; the fifth section is the ”humanistic concerns in Confucian, Buddhist and Taoist classics; and the sixth section is the conclusion. The major conclusion is as follows: though Confucian, Buddhist and Taoist classics see real life with different outlooks and attitudes. They all appreciate the value and settlement of life, stress how to settle life through the cultivation of the mind-nature and the practice of methods, value the self-empowerment and self-discipline of life and underline the internal and external correspondence and harmony of life. Possessed with such ”humanistic concerns” (concerns about life) to settle individuals, the society and the world as well as contribute to the harmony between the self, the others and the society, the promotion of the ”education of classics” in education and general education is not only necessary in terms of ”righteousness” but also hugely effective in terms of ”profits.”

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