


Religious Ethics and the Ethics of Care: A Dialogue between Christian Love and Care of the Care Ethics




莊慶信(John B. Chuang)


宗教倫理 ; 關懷倫理 ; 基督宗教 ; 天主教 ; 愛 ; 關懷 ; Religious Ethics ; Ethics of Care ; Christianity ; Catholic Church ; Love ; Care




36卷2期(2009 / 02 / 01)


23 - 46




八○年代起,以女性主義為基礎而發展出的關懷倫理,反對傳統從男性觀點出發的正義倫理,同時宣稱宗教中的道德,如基督宗教的愛或佛教的慈悲,都不如關懷一詞來得恰當。因此基督宗教(尤指天主教)的愛真的不如關懷倫理的關懷嗎?這是一個值得相關學者關注的課題。 因此,本研究採用文獻分析法、比較法、對話法。首先,探索關懷倫理反對傳統倫理觀的論點;其次,檢視關懷倫理的「關懷」的性質;再次,考查基督宗教「愛」的性質;最後,比較「關懷」與「愛」概念並讓兩者彼此對話,同時試著提出補強雙方的一些建言,以供相關的學者參考。


From 1980's on, the ethics of care has developed in the world base on the thoughts of feminism. It is opponent to the traditional just ethics starting from the viewpoint of male; It also declares that morality in the religions, e.g., Christian love or Buddhist compassion, is less powerful than the ”Care” in the ethics of Care. It is the case or not, the problem is really a worthy issue deserving the concern of ethic and educational scholars nowadays. Therefore, the research adapts the methods of documentary analysis, comparative research and conversation. First, it attempts to explore the opponent points of the ethics of care against traditional ethics; Secondly, goes further to understand the nature of the ”care” in the Ethics of care; Then, exam the nature of Christian love; And finally, the article tries to compare the ideas of care and love, and let them dialogue with each other, meanwhile it may offer some complementary suggestions for each other.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
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