


From St. Thomas Aquinas "of Man's Various Duties and States in General" Observe Today Church's Duties and States in General




鍾安住(An-Zu Chung)


職務 ; 身分 ; 主教身分 ; 修會身分 ; 教會 ; 聖統制 ; 成全 ; 貧窮 ; 貞潔 ; 服從 ; Duty ; State ; Episcopal State ; Religious State ; Church ; Holy Hierarchy ; Perfection ; Poverty ; Continency ; Obedience




36卷3期(2009 / 03 / 01)


101 - 116




在《神學大全》第二集第二部的第十二冊裡,聖多瑪斯討論:特殊恩寵、生活和身分,由於特殊恩寵所論述的預言、神魂超拔、說異語、行奇蹟都屬於超性恩寵,是天主白白的賜予,使領受者為教會及世人的益處服務,我們在此暫不討論特殊恩寵。本文討論的重點是:論人的職務和身分。 本研究第一部分先從聖多瑪斯「論人的職務和身分」來反省今日教會的職務和身分。第二部分在「論有關主教的身分」中,把聖多瑪斯於七百多年前的思想與今日教會主教身分作比較。第三部分談論的是有關修會的身分,《神學大全》裡的修會是否表示完善的身分?與今日教會的看法相同否?關於修會會士的貧窮、貞潔、服從,我們以聖多瑪斯所談論的內容來探討今日教會的三願生活。


In the twelfth volume (QQ 171-189) from the second part of the second part of Summa Theologica, Thomas Aquinas discusses gratuitous graces, life and states. Since prophecy, rapture, tongues and miracles are supernatural graces, that is, God’s gratuitous blessings to those who serve the interests of the church and men, here we are not to talk about gratuitous graces. The topic of this article is ”man's various duties and states.” The first part of this article is to reflect on the duties and states of the church today in the light of Aquinas's ”Of Man's Various Duties and States in General.” The second part, ”of the Episcopal state,” compares the thought of Aquinas from more than seven centuries ago with the Episcopal state today. The third part is on the religious state. Does the religious state in Summa Theologica mean the state of perfection? Do the ideas pertaining to the religious state in Summa Theologica correspond to those of the church today? Regarding the poverty, continency and obedience of religious orders, we will discuss the life of three vows in the church today in the light of Aquinas's treatise.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
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