


The World and the Experience: On the Formation and Development of Phenomenological Psychology in Husserl




游淙祺(Chung-Chi Yu)


胡塞爾 ; 現象學心理學 ; 世界 ; 經驗 ; Husserl ; Phenomenological Psychology ; World ; Experience




36卷4期(2009 / 04 / 01)


113 - 127




本文之主旨在於基於胡塞爾的現象學心理學論述探討世界與經驗是如何相互關連的。根據胡塞爾,前理論的世界有其系統結構性,而且此一結構是先天必然的,此即「世界」與「對世界的經驗」(Welterfahrung)乃一體兩面,不可分離。為此,我們把焦點擺在「對世界的經驗」以及「被經驗的世界」兩者的對應關係(Korrelation)上。胡塞爾指出,過去的科學向來缺乏一門「普遍的科學」(universale Wissenschaft)去研究這個對應性。而這門能夠「對作為純粹經驗世界的世界之普遍性進行描述的科學」(descriptive Wissenschaft vonder Welt als purer Erfahrungswelt und nach ihrem Generellen)正是「現象學心理學」 胡塞爾主張,世界假若不在經驗中或是當下的生活中預先被給予,那麼我們將不可能進行有關於世界的理論化工作,因為理論性的思想活動將無根基可言。經驗與世界緊密相連,只要經驗持續著,世界的呈現也就永不停息。這也正是我們佇立在自然態度當中的情況。就在這個自然的生命型態裡,世界被認定為持續地存在著。這個世界就是我們的「周遭世界」(Umwelt)(Hua IX, 56)。無論我們所從事的是實踐活動或是理論活動,我們所提出的問題都是朝向這個周遭世界而去的。


The theme of the paper is an inquiry into how world and experience are closely related on the basis of the phenomenological psychology in Husserl. According to Husserl, the pre-theoretical world is structuralized apriori, which means, the world and the experience of the world are inseparably correlated. We focus on a study of this correlation. In the eyes of Husserl no traditional science was ever qualified to study such a correlation except his own phenomenology, particularly the phenomenological psychology. Husserl claims that, supposed that the world were not pre-given in the pre-theoretical experience, we would never be able to make any research about the world scientifically, because the theoretical thinking would be unfounded. The experience and the world are closely related, as long as the experience goes on, the would sustains. This is exactly what happens when we are in the natural attitude. In the natural life-style the world is supposed to sustain as such. This world is the environing world (Umwelt). No matter what we do or what we think, all the questions we pose are oriented towards this primordial world.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
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