The theme of the paper is an inquiry into how world and experience are closely related on the basis of the phenomenological psychology in Husserl. According to Husserl, the pre-theoretical world is structuralized apriori, which means, the world and the experience of the world are inseparably correlated. We focus on a study of this correlation. In the eyes of Husserl no traditional science was ever qualified to study such a correlation except his own phenomenology, particularly the phenomenological psychology.
Husserl claims that, supposed that the world were not pre-given in the pre-theoretical experience, we would never be able to make any research about the world scientifically, because the theoretical thinking would be unfounded. The experience and the world are closely related, as long as the experience goes on, the would sustains. This is exactly what happens when we are in the natural attitude. In the natural life-style the world is supposed to sustain as such. This world is the environing world (Umwelt). No matter what we do or what we think, all the questions we pose are oriented towards this primordial world.
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