


The Evolution of the Idea of "Matching Heaven with Virtue"-With Examples from Shang Shu, Book of Poetry, Zuo Zhuan and Analects




李新霖(Hsin-Lin Li)


以祖配天 ; 以德配天 ; 天人合德 ; 配祭 ; 書 ; 詩 ; 左傳 ; 論語 ; Matching Heaven with Virtue ; Unity between Man's Virtue and the Virtue of Heaven ; Shang Shu ; Book of Poetry ; Zuo Zhuan ; Analects




36卷12期(2009 / 12 / 01)


33 - 62






The idea of ”Matching heaven with virtue” is central to the civilization of rites and music of the Zhou Dynasty as well as the Confucian thought of the unity between man's virtue and the virtue of heaven, while it is also an important sign of the evolution of ancient Chinese thought from being divine-based to humane-based. And yet the formation and development of the idea of ”matching heaven with virtue” emerged originally from sacrifice rituals. The research on this topic so far hasn't paid much attention on the part of sacrifice rituals. This article approaches from this very perspective because sacrifice rituals are equal to religious acts, which is the origin of ancient Chinese culture, politics and ethics. If separating sacrifice rituals into the level of form and the level of thought, it would be found that the outward form of sacrifice rituals have remained largely the same since the Shang and Zhou Dynasties, while their spiritual meaning has been transforming. This is without a doubt an epitome of the evolution of Chinese civilization as well as an important aspect of the various doctrines on the relationship between heaven and man in the Pre-Qin Period. Therefore this article first of all addresses the outward form of ”matching heaven with virtue,” the system of sacrifice rituals, before analyzing the development of this idea during the late Period of Spring and Autumn before the days of Confucius, drawing examples form Shang Shu, Book of Poetry, Zuo Zhuan and Analects.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
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