


The Courage of Blandness: Xi Kang and Critique in Chinese Literati Aesthetics




何乏筆(Fabian Heubel)


平淡 ; 批判 ; 內在性 ; 嵇康 ; 于連 ; Blandness ; Critique ; Immanence ; Xi Kang ; François Jullien




37卷9期(2010 / 09 / 01)


141 - 154




當然,平淡與自然相關。但平淡與批判呢?兩者的關係似乎涉及思想的不可能性。本文藉由批評法國哲學家、漢學家于連(François Jullien)對嵇康的詮釋,初步闡明「自然平淡」的批判性。平淡的批判潛力在當代批判思想所面臨的特定問題脈絡之下顯現:「內在性思維」如何可能產生批判?對于連而言,中國文人思想和美學將內在性絕對化,因而被「天人合一」的順應主義所捆綁,並推論文人的和諧觀缺乏批判性,也「毫無烏托邦價值」。問題是,現當代歐洲思想不是早已面對絕對超越性的瓦解嗎?不是在反省絕對內在性的不足嗎?不是被如何從內在性中展開當代處境之批判的問題所困擾嗎?本文嘗試藉由平淡與批判的關係,進入跨文化動態的探索。


In Chinese aesthetics ”blandness” is related to nature and the natural spontaneousness of artistic activity. But can blandness be related to critique? This seems to be an impossibility of thought. This essay, nevertheless, tries to reveal the critical significance of ”natural blandness” by undertaking a close reading of the interpretation which French philosopher and sinologist François Jullien provides of Xi Kang's (223-262) thought and aesthetics in his book Vital Nourishment. I suppose that the critical significance of blandness emerges from specific problems which contemporary critical thought faces when trying to deal with the possibility of critique within the realm of a philosophy of immanence. For Jullien, thought and aesthetics of the Chinese literati is characterized by an absolutization of immanence, leading to an overall conformism connected to the idea of a harmony between men and heaven. Jullien concludes that the idea of harmony developed by Chinese literati is fundamentally uncritical and thus lacks any ”utopian value”. But is the dissolution of absolute transcendence not a crucial issue of modern and contemporary European thought? What about the discussions on the insufficiency of absolute immanence? And is not the relation between immanence and critique at the center of reflections on the possibility of critical theory today? This essay tries to enter the transcultural dynamics of immanence as a contemporary problem through relating blandness and critique.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
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