


Image and Art in the Missionary Works of Early Jesuits in Late Ming and Early Qing




劉千美(Johanna Liu)


基督宗教藝術 ; 圖像 ; 利瑪竇 ; 耶穌會藝術特質 ; 盲與見 ; Christian Art ; Images ; Matteo Ricci ; Jesuit Arts ; Jesuit Missionary Books ; Visible and Invisible




37卷11期(2010 / 11 / 01)


67 - 86






his paper aims to study the relation of images and texts iii Jesuit missionary books published in the Late Ming period by exploring the function of images, usually juxtaposed with texts, as a way leading to holiness through human faculties of cognition, memory and desire. First, this paper will examine the aesthetic qualities of so called ”Jesuit arts” in the context of crossing-boundaries, both cultural and artistic. Second, it will discuss the aesthetic problematic of Icons between the visible and the invisible, which is related to the problematic of seeing and blindness, when looking at the religious/Christian paintings, among the Chinese in Late Ming period. Third, this paper will examine the images of Matteo Ricci's books and their cultural meanings, by investigating the relation of memory and redemption, which is implied in the images of Christian art.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
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