


Applying the Skillful Use of the Mind in the Avatamsaka Sutra to Develop a Positive Thinking in Life Philosophizing




許鶴齡(Ho-Ling Hsu)


一心 ; 三界唯心 ; 唯心迴轉 ; 正向 ; 生命哲思 ; Mind-only ; The Three Realms are Mind Only ; Consciousness-only ; Positive ; Life Philosophizing




37卷12期(2010 / 12 / 01)


83 - 101




本文根據《華嚴經•淨行品》,藉由智首菩薩提出一百一十個如何淨化身語意的問題,文殊菩薩答以「善用其心」,並示例由一百四十一個大願的隨境緣歷,藉事鍊心,斷惡修善以便防心離過。《華嚴經》倡言「一切唯心造」,如何「善用其心」進行轉念修心的正向思考,以及實踐唯心迴轉,從而促進身心健康、彰顯超越逆境的生命哲思,皆是本文所要探討的問題。本文除前言與結語外,共分為三個部份;一、《華嚴經〉與華嚴諸師之「心」義;二、「善用其心」與正向思考; 三、「唯心迴轉」與生命哲思。


This thesis based on the Pure Practice Chapter of Avatamsaka Sutra, where Zhishou (智首) Bodhisattva raised 110 questions on how to purify the body, speech and mind. Manjusri Bodhisattva answered these questions with a phrase ”Applying the skillful use of the mind”. He also demonstrated with 141 Great Vows in encountering countless conditions in life, training one's mind from experiences, avoid the unwholesome and cultivate the wholesome in order to prevent the mind from defaults. ”Everything comes from the mind” is a quote from Avatamsaka Sutra. In order to search deep into the question regarding life philosophizing in overcoming the negativities in life, and to advance a healthy body and mind, this thesis focused on how one should cultivate the transformation of mind, and apply the skillful use of mind into positive thoughts, and practice the turning and transformation of the mind only. Besides the introduction and the conclusion of the thesis, the rest of the thesis had divided into three parts. The first part is about the meaning of ”mind” among the eminent teachers of Huayen School and also its meaning in the Avatamsaka Sutra. The second part focused on the skillful use or the transformation of mind and positive thinking. The third part discussed about the life philosophizing of the turning and transformation of mind only.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
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