


Tracing Destiny Through Mirror--The Mode of "Categorical Correspondence" on Destiny in the Legends of the Tang Dynasty




陳旻志(Chih-Chen Min)


命論 ; 唐人傳奇 ; 命通性能 ; 物類感應 ; 古鏡記 ; Doctrine on Destiny ; Legends of the Tang Dynasty ; Empowerment of Nature Leading to the Understanding of Destiny ; Categorical Correspondence ; Record of an Ancient Mirror ; Bronze Mirror




38卷11期(2011 / 11 / 01)


143 - 162






The dimensions of the thought and the doctrines of destiny in the Tang Dynasty are found in the texts of the legends of the Tang Dynasty, which not only contain a wide range of subjects but also particularly focus on the litterateurs” pursuit and disillusionment of success and fortune. These legends revolve around either knight-errantry or gods and spirits, becoming actually the corpus of the thoughts and ideologies about ”destiny” in the Tang Dynasty. The core of this article is the texts of the ”Record of an Ancient Mirror” series as the mythological archetypes of the doctrines on destiny in the Tang Dynasty, mirroring destiny and working as the readers' approaches. Moreover, by the implications of the ancient-mirror and bronze-mirror culture, this series could also be seen as the archetypical structures of the doctrines on destiny in the Tang Dynasty, that is, these texts hold the idea of ”the universe consisting of Qi” against the approach of moral insight and furthermore guide the aspects of natural destiny, causality and enlightenment. Namely, through the approach of ”tracing destiny to its origin through mirror,” they are intended to interpret a way of thinking that is tangled in the imperial examination system, Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism, along with other views about destiny. Distinct from the Confucian view on destiny and nature, ”empowerment of nature leading to the understanding of destiny, ”these texts move to the ideology of ”understanding of destiny leading to the empowerment of nature,” and such a change is indeed the argumentative framework of the particular doctrines of destiny during this stage.In view of ”Record of an Ancient Mirror” and the pluralistic context of bronze-mirror culture, the overtly obvious argumentation of the legends of the Tang Dynasty is its cultural mode guided by ”categorical correspondence,” involving the narrative functions of such mediators as Witch Cult, Buddhism and Taoism. Therefore, the mode of ”categorical correspondence” should complement each other with the cultural mode of heaven-man and god-spirit correspondence, forming indeed an organic and corresponding world just as the things reflected in the ancient bronze mirror do. In this manner, the mode of contact and dialogue between men, all things gods and spirits get to be re-built; outside the argumentative framework of ”the heaven-man relationship” of Chinese philosophy, another expressive mode of categorical correspondence is established.The approach of tracing destiny through mirror is obviously meant to discover or reveal individuals' destinies, just like the enlightenment brought by ”opening the case to see the mirror,” which will be instrumental to exploring the breakthrough of philosophy in the Tang Dynasty and the Confucian thought with respect to heaven-man correspondence and categorical correspondence, as reinterpreting all of them in a creative way.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
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