


The Thought of "Ming" in the Theory of the Cycle of the Five Elements and Its Contemporary Meanings




林玫玲(Mei-Lin Lin)


鄒衍 ; 陰陽家 ; 陰陽五行 ; 五德終始 ; 終始大聖 ; 天命 ; Zuo Yan ; School of Yin and Yang ; Yin-Yang and the Five Elements ; Cycle of the Five Virtues ; Mandate of Heaven




38卷11期(2011 / 11 / 01)


83 - 104






The theory of the cycle of the five virtues was advocated by Zuo Yan, illuminating the changeover of dynasties by the principle of the five elements conquering one another. Here it is assumed that the thought of ”ming” (命, destiny) in the theory of the cycle of the five virtues consists of four levels of meaning: the mandate of heaven, the mandate of virtue, the mission and the pervasion of the way of heaven. Though the virtue-esteeming thought of the mandate of heaven originated from the traditional view about this mandate, the Pre-qin Confucians' theories of the mandate of heaven were hugely distinct from the theories developed during the turn from the Shang Dynasty to the Zhou Dynasty; moreover, the theory about the cycle of the five virtues should not be concluded as the theory of the pre-determination of destiny. As a theory of ”ming,” the contemporary meanings of the theory about the cycle of the five virtues can be induced as follows: first, it cultivates Chinese people's feelings of respectfully following the heaven, quietly acquiescing in what happens at its proper time, and being in harmony with nature; second, it implies the thought about fate, which brings out human beings' confidence in predicting beforehand and their efforts in seeking changes via the way of heaven; third, it manifests the thought of virtue esteeming and the political ideal of securing a better livelihood, which should be put in practice by later generations.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
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