


A New Approach to Zhu Xi's Theory of Investigation and Knowledge: in Perspective of Virtue Epistemology




沈享民(Hsiang-Min Shen)


格物致知 ; 智的德性 ; 朱熹 ; 德性知識論 ; Ge-Wu Zhi-Zhi ; Intellectual Virtue ; Zhu Xi ; Virtue Epistemology




39卷2期(2012 / 02 / 01)


69 - 102






This paper tries to propose a new approach to the theory of investigation and knowledge in Zhu Xi's philosophy. This approach is inspired by virtue epistemology which newly arises in the recent development of Anglo-Amcrican philosophy. Among the main elements o f virtue epistemology, the concept of intellectual is the hard core; and the relationship between intellectual virtue and moral virtue or other virtues is needed to be explained in a system of virtue epistemology. I do not claim that the theory of knowledge in Zhu Xi's philosophy is exactly a kind of virtue epistemology, however. My aim and my strategy are to parallel virtue epistemology to ground Zhu Xi's theory upon intellectual virtue, and to explicate the relation between intellectual virtue (智) and humaneness (仁), the all-embracing and cardinal virtue) . The argument goes as follows: At first, I interpret ge-wu as a certain kind of inquiry or investigation. The extension of Knowledge, which is what zhi-zhi (致知) means, is the actual proof of efficacy that results from activities of inquiry. Secondly, I argue that Zhu Xi's doctrine of ge-wu zhi-zhi presupposes his theory of mental capacity or competence, the mental function of apt and luminous perception. Thirdly, in my interpretation Zhu xi argued that the mental competence is precisely intellectual virtue. In this respect, he would agree to Ernest Sosa, the most famous virtue epistemologist, who similarly identifies intellectual virtues with cognitive faculties, abilities or competence. Furthermore, Zhu xi made clear that intellectual virtue is incorporated into the cardinal virtue, humaneness. At last, as Linda Zagzebski, a virtue epistemologist, has pointed out that there are some virtues which are shared by morality and knowledge, I argue similarly that Zhu Xi proposed reverence (敬, Jing, seriousness) as the common or mediate virtue, maintained that it is indispensable both in the cognitive inquiry and in moral practice. In concluding remark, I discuss critically the limits and the theoretical faults in this interpretation of Zhu Xi's ge-wu zhi-zhi described above.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
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