


Exploration of Wang Longxi's Strategies in Harmonizing Confucianism and Buddhism




察家和(Chia-He Tsai)


良知範國三教 ; 不二 ; 悟 ; 虛無 ; 空 ; conscience to bound the three teachings ; unity ; understanding ; ephemeral ; emptiness (Sunyata)




39卷5期(2012 / 05 / 01)


67 - 89






This paper explains how Wang Longxi harmonizes Confucianism and Buddhism, and finally makes a reflection and determination about whether the interpretation in harmonization was successful. Wang's harmonization method uses the conscience to integrate the three teachings to harmonize Confucianism and Buddhism However, conscience is based on real issues and principles, and when there is good nature, it would be difficult to blend with Buddhism. Then, Wang uses the emptiness of conscience to blend with Buddhism Conscience has no goodness, but it is also the ultimate goodness, and this is the harmonization method of Wang, saying that conscience is the utmost good according to Mencius but is still insufficient, but saying that it is necessary to be no goodness. However, but how is no goodness also the utmost goodness The content of this is, conscience is based on the goodness of nature, but it does not emphasize goodness, so it can be connected to Buddhism. Other than using the emptiness of conscience to integrate Buddhism, sometimes it also learns from the advantages of Buddhism, such as concepts in empty, ephemeral, negation, and unity. In this respect, it seems that Wang is taking a Confucian stance to use conscience to integrate Confucianism and Buddhism, but the definition of conscience already includes Buddhist elements. Thus, this paper argues that Wang's academic work uses the Confucian perspective to absorb the good points of Buddhism, and in turn, harmonizing them. However, this type of harmonization is a strategic method. Seen from the original meanings in pre-Qin Confucianism, Wang's discuss ion of conscience as empty violates the original intent of pre-Qin Confucianism.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
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