


On the Relationship between the Origin of Chinese Philosophy and Religion-Demonstrated by Tang Jun-yi




黃信二(Hsin-Er Huang)


中國哲學起源 ; 中國原始宗教 ; 天道論 ; 儒學宗教性 ; 唐君毅 ; the Origin of Chinese Philosophy ; the Original Religion ofChina ; Theory of the Heavenly Way ; Religiousness of Confucianism ; Tang Jun-yi




39卷5期(2012 / 05 / 01)


91 - 114




中國哲學起源之探討必與原始宗教相關,此範疇本為可信史之研究的最大時向限度。在限度之邊緣裡,原初哲學家對如何從宗教時代使文明進入合理化的哲學時代必定經過某種深思;然而文字紀錄以來的哲學史理論,其中所呈現者多為哲學家思考與選擇後之結論,而非此種深思、與選擇的思考歷程。即有關此歷程的探討,歷來由於文獻不足是較為欠缺的,在此問題意識下本文試圖進行下列兩項思考方向工作之探討:第一,揭露與顯化此中「歷史性選擇方向」的存在,盡可能還原原初哲學家如何推動文明進展之歷程;此中「歷史性選擇方向」並不屬於單一哲學家獨有,而是代表當時哲學主潮中的多數哲學家的價值判斷與主流之選擇方向。第二則是指出此「歷史性選擇方向」的綱領性「實質內容」,顯化中國哲學從原始天神推向哲學時代理論之代表性創見。在研究取材方面, 由於此問題在中國乃源自儒道未分前的時期,因此不論選擇儒家或道家有關宗教性研究之管道,皆可做為探討此一哲學時代初期哲學家心靈結構的選項。在探討路線方面,唐君毅先生對此的探討線索是以儒家為入手處的,唐先生在此不但著作量多,且其研究成果在當代亦有其特殊地位。此方面課題在當代雖有諸多探討,但是針對「中國哲學起源」與「原始宗教」兩者關係的研究,仍以唐先生有著數量最多的論文對進行探討。筆者認為由於此課題涉及中國哲學最初起源,又涉及原初哲學家如何對神話時代觀念進行哲學轉化工作,因此具有劈荊斬棘與原創屬性的唐先生之研究成果是值得關切的。


The origin of Chinese philosophy is definitely linked with its original religion, of which the category is the greatest timeframe in the inquiries on philosophy and reliable history. Within the limits of this timeframe, the original philosophers must have done some thinking and made some choices in pushing the civilization from the age of religion to the rationalized age of philosophy. However, the theories of philosophical hi story in written documents present mostly the conclusions made by the philosophers after their thoughts and choices rather than the process of such thoughts and choices. Therefore, the inquiries about such a process are somewhat lacking, due to the shortage o f documents. Under this problem consciousness, this article is meant to make the following two approaches. First, it is to reveal and manifest the existence of the ”historically selected direction” and restore the process whereby the original philosophers push the progress of civilization The so-called ”historically selected direction” does not belong to any sing le philosopher but rather represents the value judgment and mainstream option made by most philosophers in the major trend of philosophy. Second, it is to point out the genera l ”substantial content” of the” historically selected direction, ”manifesting the innovative ideas representative of the progress of Chinese philosophy from the age of original gods to the age of philosophy.In terms of materials, since this issue originates in the age before Confucianism and Taoism were separated, one could study the mental frameworks of the philosophers early in the age of philosophy through the religiousness of either Confucianism or Taoism. In terms of the lines of investigation, Tang Jun-yi studied Confucianism and came up with lots of academic results, which enjoy a unique status in contemporary days. Though addressed quite often by others in contemporary days, Tang made the greatest contribution to the research on the relationship between ”the origin of Chinese philosophy” and ”the original religion.” While this topic involves the origin of Chinese philosophy and how the original philosophers philosophize the ideas from the age of mythology, Tang's academic results, pioneering and creative, are worthy of our attention.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
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