This paper examines the question of looking at a landscape under an aesthetic standpoint. A ”landscape”, far from what can be usually imagined, is not a work of nature. It is first a viewpoint, an aesthetic creation, an artwork. It exists only through the one who becomes conscious of it. Therefore, it doesn't exist without a viewer. Different cultures have different landscapes, and historically, there exists two main types of landscapes: the Europe Renaissance's that created a new relationship to the world and to nature through landscape painting, and the ”Chinese landscape culture's” that proposes from the beginning a specific ”mountains and waters” painting. The differences between them not only rely in their structure of space, but mainly in the viewpoint, and the way the watcher of the landscape looks at it. Thus the paper first examines the origins of ”landscape” in both traditions, and their relationships to painting. It then focuses on the question of ”artialisation”, considered by some specialists as the main explanation for the origin of landscape in Europe and in China, showing its differences with the Chinese concept of ” like a painting” (ruhua). The third step concerns the viewpoint in and on a ”landscape” painting, or on contemporary art, before examining in the last part the issue of the way contemporary Land Art is reinterpreting Chinese ”ink and brush” in its relationship to landscape.
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