


An Imagination of Multicultural Coexistence: "Young Malayans" and the Concept of Children in Malaya after World War II


廖冰凌(Ping-Leng Liau);伍燕翎(Yean-Leng Ng)


馬來亞少年報 ; 馬來亞華人 ; 二戰後 ; 兒童觀 ; "Young Malayans" ; Chinese in Malaya ; Post-World War II ; Concept of Children




40卷2期(2013 / 02 / 01)


21 - 43






”Young Malayans” was the first Chinese-language press for children that established by the Nanyang Bookshop in 1946. And the famous Chinese overseas scholar Hsu Yun-Tsiao was assigned as its editor. With the average sales of 20,000 copies per number for 10 years, this publication gained itself a good reputation and was greatly welcomed by large number of readers. Due to poverty, the effect of war and citizen identification, issues of Chinese overseas children in Malaya had received limited attention by the local society and the first generation of Chinese mi grants. This situation began to change after World War II when the British colonists returned to Malaya. Under the changing political and social circumstances, concern s and research on children education and culture significantly increased in comparison to the period before World War II. It is noteworthy that, ”children” become a special group of individuals who represents and conveys the new concept o f Malaya citizen. As the first and most popular children publication that was established just after World War II, ”Young Malayans” played an important role in constructing the new image of children in Malaya. And the editing principal and strategy of the editor(s) / editorial board (known as ”Caring for the Children” and ”Caring for Malaya”), even showed a significant groups of overseas and local Chinese's concerns on their young generation, and most importantly their eager anticipation in multicultural coexistence, their imagination of an ideal Malaya citizen/citizenship in a new age.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
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