


The Contemporary Debate between Confucianism and Buddhism and the "Theory of Three Manifestations of Being," with a Particular Attention to Xiong Shili's "New Theory of Consciousness Only"


林安梧(An-Wu Lin)


熊十力 ; 牟宗三 ; 存在 ; 體用一如 ; 存有論 ; 現象 ; 本體 ; Xiong Shili ; Mou Zongsan ; Being ; Substance as Function ; Ontology ; Phenomenon ; Noumenon




40卷8期(2013 / 08 / 01)


25 - 50






This paper reviews the period since the 1970s when the author learnt about the contemporary debate between Confucianism and Buddhism to the author's own establishment of the ”Theory of Three Manifestations of Being” by reconstructing Xiong Shili's ”New Theory of Consciousness Only”. This paper starts with the author's experience of studying the ”New Theory of Consciousness Only”. Then, after touching on the lives of some of the author's masters, this paper indicates that the lifestyle and personality of Xiong was virile, firm, forthright and insightful while that of Mou Zongsan was self-conceited, untrammeled, elegant and spectacular. Based on the differences between Xiong and Mou, this paper presents the meritorious aspect of the originality of Xiong's ”New Theory of Consciousness Only”. It also shows that Xiong's thinking was not restricted within the Buddhist canons, but rather his concerns and approaches were based on philosophical interpretation. This led Xiong to revise his manuscript of the ”New Theory of Consciousness Only” several times before he established his own philosophical system of substance and function. Xiong's philosophy integrates the Yogācāra and the Mādhyamaka schools of Buddhism, penetrates the source of the creation, and the transformation of the universe and helps guide the completion of all things under Heaven. This paper therefore points out that Xiong's system opens up the ”Theory of Three Manifestations of Being,” which differs from Mou Zongsan's two-tier framework of Ontology. This paper weaves the thoughts of Daoism and The Commentary on the Book of Changes together and appropriates some ideas and discourses from various classics to support the author's view of the potentiality of the communication of Confucianism, Daoism and Buddhism, which implies one of the dimensions of the development of Post New-Confucianism.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
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