


Translating Mystical Text-Chiara Lubich's Article as Example


胡功澤(Kung-Tze Hu)


盧嘉勒 ; 神秘(密契)文體 ; 翻譯研究 ; 空無 ; Chiara Lubich ; Mystical Text ; Translation ; Emptiness




40卷10期(2013 / 10 / 01)


47 - 70




盧嘉勒(Chiara Lubich)首次刊登她的神秘經驗。筆者嘗試翻譯該文。本文乃筆者對此翻譯過程的反省,希望對神秘文體的翻譯提供一個例子,有助於該文類的翻譯工作。筆者發現,原文裡面的某些描述,可以做為翻譯該文的大方向:「對每件事情,一字不漏的翻譯」,「用同樣的熱情翻譯」,並「讓讀者得以參與神秘經驗」。除了文字層面的翻譯之外(文體、章句、詞彙、語意),筆者按照原作者成功的經驗,提出閱讀翻譯之前應該有的心靈準備。特別是:閱讀當時保持心靈「空無」的態度。此點也適用於非天主教的讀者。此外,「空無」也是各大宗教,或者不同文化之間交談的一條道路。


For the first time Chiara Lubich, foundress of the international Movement of Focolare, published her mystical experience during 1949 in an academic journal Umanita Nuova. Through a special grace, Lubich experienced visions inside the Trinity (Father, Son, Holy Spirit and Realities in Heaven). For her the visions she experienced were not only pictures, but convinced realities, which helped her found the Movement. The writer tried to translate the original of Lubich into Chinese. This paper presents his reflections on the translating work, hoping that it could be a contribution to mystical translation in Translation Studies.Some descriptions in the original give indications for translating work: faithfulness to everything and to the words, with the same enthusiastic by recounting the experiences, and creating effects on reader. The writer detected that a faithful translation includes not only parts of the text (word, syntax, semantics, text structure). Since the original authoress desires positive effects of her narrative, a translator should try to achieve similar effects with his translation. The present writer suggests some preparations for the reading of the translation. They are 1. living the spirituality of Chiara Lubich; 2. living Jesus Forsaken; 3 keeping a state of emptiness in the mind during reading act. Among these three preparations, the writer argued, the most important is the third one: keep the state of emptiness, which could be also applied to readers who have other backgrounds of faith and culture as the authoress. 'Emptiness' could also be a way of dialogue between people of different religions and cultures, as Chiara Lubich has begun with success with some of believers from other religions.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
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