


Logic of Detour: Humanities Orientation to Explore the "Human-Becomings" Process of Counseling and Clinical Psychology of Therapeutic View


林耀盛(Yaw-Sheng Lin)


迂迴 ; 邏輯 ; 會遇 ; 改變 ; Changing ; Detour ; Encounter ; Logic




41卷1期(2014 / 01 / 01)


129 - 156




本文以多重路徑,拓展哲學諮商的對話領域。首先,本文將以美國諮商與心理治療學家Carl Rogers的論點為文本,迂迴邏輯地探討一種肯認他人、悅納異己的「非指導性」的自我反思教化涵育工作,進而思考諮商與臨床心理學的核心理念與實務方向。其次,本文探討Carl Rogers中心思想的發展沿革,而後重新檢視真誠、無條件關懷及同理的意涵;進而描述其如何深入瞭解心理改變的機制與過程,以達到所謂「功能整全人」。接續,本文進行轉向閱讀,陳述對「非指導性」原則的誤解,進而揭示就不同的治療事業而言,「非指導性」原則展現人類存有的面向,面對全球化、科技化的混淆世界,避免異化、疏離的方式是本真性地存活。當面對他人,在「你與我」關係下,我們得以肯認與尊重,同時形成本真我,這是倡議個人中心療法的重要遺產。最後,不可將其論點與「聚焦療法」、「經驗療法」和「過程療法」相互混淆。個人中心治療形成一種典範轉移,從客體到個人,從觀察到遭逢,從解釋到同理的實踐哲學,展現「去除自我中心主義」,更是一種「無我」、「吾喪我」和「非我」改變觀點的契入與反省。回返到對於「成人」之道根本哲學探問,重新閱讀人文取向諮商與臨床心理學治療觀點,或是個迂迴的有用開端。


First, this article will explore Carl Rogers's counseling view that is familiar for most psychologists in Taiwan. It is a non-directive and self-reflection educated work and logics of detour to develop indigenous counseling and psychotherapy that are recognized the others and accepted them from the ”non-self” dimension.Second, the development of his central idea is discussed. Then we reexamine the core conditions of person centered approach (PCA), that is, genuine, unconditional positive regard and empathy. The change mechanisms and the necessary and sufficient condition how to change are described. It is the way of being a fully functional person.Furthermore, to turn to read PCA from alternative point, we demonstrate the misunderstanding of ”non-directive” counseling. It is actually opened the existential dimension of authentic self. In the face of globalization, the confusing world of technology and to avoid the alienation phenomena, to renovate the ”Thou-I” relationship than ”I-Thou” relationship is an important legacy from Rogers to cope with the current situation.Finally, the PCA is different from the focus therapy, experiential therapy and process therapy. It is a paradigm shift from object to person, from observation to encounter, from interpretation to empathy. It is a philosophical practice to deconstruct the individualism, a mode of existence of ”non-self” and ”without self”. Return to explore the ”human-becomings” of therapeutic and change process from the humanistic orientation may be a devious yet useful starting step to understand the human nature.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
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