


Tranquility, Diligence and "Maintaining Principles and Eliminating Desires": Chongren School's Theory of Moral Cultivation and Its Reflection


鄒建鋒(Jian-Feng Zou)


靜 ; 敬 ; 理 ; 欲 ; 道德 ; 工夫論 ; 吳與弼 ; 崇仁學派 ; Tranquility ; Diligence ; Principle ; Desire ; Morality ; Theory of Cultivation ; Wu Yubi ; Chongren School




41卷2期(2014 / 02 / 01)


113 - 135






For the Confucians in the early Ming Dynasty, ontology had been almost fully constructed by the Confucians of the Song Dynasty, and their current task concerned the moral practice. Revolving around the maintenance of principles and removal of desires, the theory of moral cultivation became a central issue in the current scholars' lives as well as their teachings, political and academic careers. In the philosophical circle of China in the 15th century, Chongren School, founded by Wu Yubi, was preeminent. Wu inherited and practiced sincerely Cheng-Zhu School's theory on the cultivation of mind and nature, reviving the vitality of the Confucianism of the Song Dynasty. The ”maintenance of principles and removal of desires” began with diligence and tranquility and aimed at the fulfillment of the sagely personality. Due to the differences in their views about the statuses of diligence and tranquility in the theory of cultivation, the pro-tranquility sect and the pro-diligence sect were caught up in debate and divergence. Analyzing Chongren School's theory on moral cultivation, it is clear that where the theories of moral cultivation of China in the 15th and early 16th centuries departed from one another, while Wang Yang-ming's philosophy resolved the tension within Cheng-Zhu School and ended the argument between the pro-diligence and pro-tranquility sects, which means a great deal to the academic history of the Ming Dynasty.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
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