


Analysis on the Experiences of "True Self" from Chinese and Japanese Yangming Scholars


張崑將(Kun-Chiang Chang)


真我 ; 寤寐 ; 陽明學 ; 物我一體 ; 超個人心理學 ; True Self ; Yangming School ; Object-and-self Oneness ; Transpersonal Psychology ; Dream




41卷2期(2014 / 02 / 01)


3 - 31






The discussion of ”true self” often appears in the articles of many Yangming scholars, which also means that there are many different interpretations of what the ”true self” is. In addition to illustrating the meaning of ”true self” discussed by Yangming scholars, the paper focuses on the occasional ”dreamy” (or half-asleep, half awake) state of Yangming scholars, such as Wang Yang-ming's enlightenment in Longchang, Wang Gen's falling celestial body, and Japanese scholar Toju Nakae's dream about a name granted by a god. These experiences in dreams originated in a puzzling state caused by the dreamer's devotion to study, a matter of life and death, or a conversation with the dreamer's teacher as if someone had been talking to them secretly. These kinds of dreams often appeared at midnight, at time in which most dreamers had the habit of meditating. However, such an epiphanic experience only happens within a very short period of time, and the dreamers usually wake up in shock. From the investigations on the experiences introduced here, it is possible to determine that the ”true self” often reveals itself through dreams. The paper further organizes and analyzes the depictions of Yangming scholars' experiences on the ”true self,” especially the ”object-and-self oneness” that transcends the distinction between the object and the self. Lastly, based on the aforementioned discussion of the ”true self,” the paper makes a comparison between the philosophies of the Yangming School of Mind and Western ”Transpersonal Psychology.”

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
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