


Platonic Philosophizing and the Origin of Methodological Dimension of Systemic Hermeneutics


陸敬忠(Jing-Jong Luh)


體系性詮釋學 ; 方法學 ; 存有學 ; 先蘇哲學 ; 柏拉圖 ; 理念論 ; 辯證法 ; Systemic Hermeneutics ; Methodology ; Ontology ; Pre-Socratic Philosophy ; Plato ; the Theory of Ideas ; Dialectics




41卷5期(2014 / 05 / 01)


131 - 151






The so-called systemic hermeneutics is an original conception of a meta-theory of hermeneutics: at the one hand, it takes the hermeneutic turn as the new staring point for contemporary philosophy, and at the other hand it designs systemic as the general idea for philosophizing the ground-presuppositions, the fundamental elements and the basic model of hermeneutics, and tries to develop a innovative paradigm of Western philosophy. Regarding systemic hermeneutics as such a philosophizing approach or methodology, it has origin-relation with the various methods of traditional Western philosophy, especially medieval trivium from classical Greek philosophy, the liberal arts of general grammar, logic or dialectics, and classical rhetoric. Beginning from the pre-Socratic cosmological arche-philosophizing and its original but problematic ideas for Western philosophy as context, this paper attempts to understand Platonic philosophizing, above all the basic thinking-way from the theory of ideas and its dialectics in his middle and later thought-development, In particular it shall reveal, how he deals with the basic, specially conflict relation between the original ideas fron the pre-Socratic philosophy in Dialogue "Parmenides" and "Sophist".

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
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