


"The Benevolent Man Rest in Benevolence": A New Theory about the Origin and Philosophical Meanings of Confucius' Theory of Ren


曾振宇(Zhen-Yu Zeng)


孔子 ; 仁學 ; 愛無差等 ; 愛有差等 ; 仁者安仁 ; Confucius ; Theory of Ren (benevolence) ; Benevolence has no unequivalence ; Benevolence has unequivalence ; The Benevolent Man Rest in Benevolence




41卷7期(2014 / 07 / 01)


119 - 138






On the meanings of etymology, Ren (benevolence) is related to the culture of the foreigners: "the custom of the foreigners uphold Ren", "Ren is the custom of foreigners". In the history of the theory of Ren, one of Confucius' contribution is to promote Ren to the level above other virtues: Ren is "the whole virtue". The Confucius' theory of Ren is the dialectical unification between "benevolence has no unequivalence" and " benevolence has unequivalence". In the Philosophical essence, the core of Confucius', Ren is "benevolence towards men". It provides general priciples about the life of morality for all mankind; On the aspect of Ethics and Self-cultivation, Confucius advocate "filial piety is the origin of human benevolence": the Confucius ' theory of Ren further spotlighted the basic charecteristic of "benevolence has unequivalence". The Confucius' theory of Ren is close to human nature, and it rejects properties of utilitarian, oppose the smooth talk with ingratiating manner. Most importantly, the proposition "the benevolent man rest in benevolence" is actually a precious statement that has no predecessors. It makes confucianism' theory of Ren to a whole new level of Metaphysics of Morals. Because this proposition touched a important theorectical question: how is Ren possible? Although Confucius never demonstrate this proposition fully-Mencius and Neo-Confucianism disscussed this from their own perspectives afterwards-, but compairing to the demonstration, raising the question also has its philosophical value.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
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