


Moments of Healing Encounter: Psychotherapy as the Multiplex of Cultural Discourse


宋文里(Wen-Li Soong)


心理治療 ; 人文臨床 ; 巫形構 ; 理心術 ; 聖/巫之辨 ; Psychotherapy ; Humanistic Clinical Practice ; Occultation ; Sage/Shaman Differentiation




41卷12期(2014 / 12 / 01)


47 - 74






When "psychotherapy" as one of the necessary streams of modernity discourse appears in our (Chinese) knowledge system, there also emerges a lot of confusion and misunderstanding both about western psychotherapy and our traditional spiritual healing. We have to restart our psychotherapy as a way of traditional healing encounter, and at the same time to scrutinize the occultational discourse hidden in this tradition. Two contemporary cases of healing encounter research have been critically examined and reinterpreted. On such basis, we are able to enter the realm of Chinese sage/shaman discourse, to see their origin as the same, and their development as distinctly different in terms of their meaning in the structure of knowledge, especially its implication for our modem higher education system. It is a truism that modem Chinese knowledge system, here in the field of psychology, we have followed the sage tradition rather than the shaman tradition. What's presented and what's unpresented are not easy to discern, hence the continual and unwitting confusion about our knowledge per se. For the sake of enhancing our psychotherapy know ledge, we are obliged to develop a theological discourse both about the shaman tradition and the sage tradition. A comparison of the I-Ching metaphysics and the psychoanalytic metapsychology is tentatively proposed, so that a truly indigenous as well as modern-postmodern discussion about the healing encounter we are expecting can be substantively started.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
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