


The Dimension of Humanistic Healing of "Abidance" in Waiting-the Convergence of Sorrow and Hope


蘇嫈雰(Ying-Fen SU)


等待 ; 宛若 ; 止足 ; 人文療癒 ; 顏氏家訓 ; Waiting ; Seem ; Abidance ; Humanistic Healing ; the Family Precepts of Yan Zhi Tui




42卷1期(2015 / 01 / 01)


125 - 140






Firstly, from the convergence of sorrow and hope-"waiting", this thesis is to discuss not only the meaning concerning the common point but also the time for waiting for renewal and rebirth. Secondly, this thesis talks about the character of a man in waiting who can especially feel that the freezing space and time "seem" to be eternal now: when one concentrates on the eternal now, the space and time for waiting come to a halt and they "seem" to recall the encounter after a long departure; everything is so vivid and so new as if nothing changes. Thirdly, from the text of the Family Precepts of Yan Zhi Tui: Abidance, this thesis proceeds to propose a dual viewpoint on "abidance": the first point is that waiting for the eternal now is actually the continuance of relationship and also a feeling of contentment shown in bodily action; the second point is that with the concentration in which one's body and soul stay labide in the eternal now, one by a steadfast will can still support oneself and the whole world behind him, leading a purposeful life in a due, graceful manner as usual. Finally, this thesis points out that "abidance" can thus heal, pacify, and settle one's suffering body and soul got entangled with sorrow and hope so as to unfold another dimension of humanistic healing.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
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