


On the Hermeneutic Thoughts of The Correct Meanings of the Five Classics


喬東義(Dong-Yi Qiao)


疏不破注 ; 隨文釋義 ; 體無恒式 ; 文本 ; 通觀 ; Sub-commentaries follow Commentaries ; Meanings Defined by Contexts ; Immutable Changes ; Texts ; Comprehensive Perspective




42卷1期(2015 / 01 / 01)


145 - 168






The Correct Meanings of the Five Classics was authored mainly by Kong Ying-da, a master of Classics between the Sui and the Tang Dynasties, and reputed to bet the ultimate collection of the interpretations of Five Classics from the Han Dynasty to the early Tang Dynasty. In The Correct Meanings of the Five Classics, Kong Ying-da and other authors followed the principle of "commentaries following the Classics and sub-commentaries following the commentaries" on the one hand, while they advocated the new interpretative principles of immutable changes, bridging the gap between the two main interpretative principles of "the Six Classics noted me and I noted the Six Classics" in the interpretative history of Classics on the other hand. Kong Ying-da paid great attention to the fundamental expressive forms of the texts, such as the interpretations and commentaries of the subject to be interpreted and put emphasis on the overall structural features and contexts of the texts, driving the transformation of traditional interpretations to the aesthetic interpretations of classics. Moreover, Kong made comprehensive interpretations and views of different schools of Classics, different classics and the text of anyone of classics, which was meaningful and positive to the interpretations of Chinese Classics.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
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