


Prolegomena on Systemic-Hermeneutic Philosophy of Psychology: Life-span Genetic and Developmental Psychology of Person in Context as Language Understanding Process


陸敬忠(Jing-Jong Luh)


哲學心理學 ; 體系性詮釋學 ; 在脈絡中位格 ; 語言理解 ; 終生生成發展心理學 ; Philosophical Psychology ; Systemic Hermeneutics ; Person in Context ; Language Understanding ; Life-span Genetic and Developmental Psychology




42卷6期(2015 / 06 / 01)


91 - 111






In the Western philosophical tradition, philosophical psychology is a major dimension for the discourse of human nature. However, since the emergence of the scientific psychology in the middle of 19th century, the philosophical psychology seems lost its creativity and significance in the Intelligentsia, especially in the domain of human science. However, investigation on the problem complex of presuppositions and methods in modern scientific psychology has shown the potential of philosophizing to develop further. Particularly concerning the rise of hermeneutical philosophy, the investigation on human being as understanding being has opened up a new horizon for philosophical psychology. This article would intend to begin with the systemic hermeneutics as a preliminary study of its potential in psychological philosophy, that is, to approach from one of its basic theory-human person in various worldly contexts-, then to conceptualize the framework of a life-span genetic and developmental psychology from this human person in context as living process of language understanding.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
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